Solution Functional/bureaucratic structure This is the most conventional approach/structure where people performing similar tasks or with a similar specialty are organised into one group. For example, accountants belong to the finance department while those who have specialised in marketing are found in the marketing department (Point Park University Online, 2022). Real-life examples are Apple, Starbucks, and Amazon. Reasons underpinning this structure are that it works best for large companies...
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(Solution) CIPD Avado 5C003- Professional Behaviours and Valuing People
Table of Contents
Task 1- Written Responses. 2
Question 1. 2
1.1 Professional and Meaning of People Professional 2
Question 2. 3
3.1 Role of People Professional (Generalist/Specialist) evolve. 3
Question 3. 4
1.2 Ethical Values; Impact (Could) Work as People Professional 4
Question 4. 5
1.3 People professionals to contribute confidently to discussions in informed, clear and engaging. 5
Question 5. 6
1.4 Raising concerns; organisation policies/ leadership approac...
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(Avado) 5LDO1: Supporting Self-Directed and Social Learning
Task One – Written response to 7 questions
This task should be presented as a Word document. You will need to provide an explanation of what self-directed and social learning is all about and discuss how they are connected. You will need to include theories and the potential benefits and risks of self-directed and social learning for both individuals and organisations. You should also include some best-practice guidelines, in terms of how organisations could transition towards ad...
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(Solution) 5LDO1 Task Two – Create a ‘Brief Guide to Content Curation’ document for use within your own organisation
Task Two – Create a ‘Brief Guide to Content Curation’ document for use within your own organisation
Your “Content Curation Guide” must include:
An evaluation of five key principles that underpin the curation of learning resources for self-directed and social learning, either as part of a wider learning and development programme or as a ‘stand-alone’ resource (AC 3.1)
An example curation of three potential accessible learning resources in relation to a specific area of lear...
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(Solution) 5LD01 Task One – Written response to 7 questions
Table of Contents
Task One: Written Response to 7 Questions. 2
1.1 Self-directed and social learning, connections between them.. 2
1.2 Benefits and drawbacks of different theories. 2
1.3 Benefits and risks of self-directed and social learning. 4
2.1, 2.2 Steps organisations can take to encourage informal, self-directed and social learning. 5
2.3 Theories of learner differences. 6
2.4 Digital and technological innovation encourage and enable self-directed and social learning...
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5LDO1 – Supporting Self-Directed and Social Learning
Task One – Written response to 7 questions
This task should be presented as a Word document. You will need to provide an explanation of what self-directed and social learning is all about and discuss how they are connected. You will need to include theories and the potential benefits and risks of self-directed and social learning for both individuals and organisations. You should also include some best-practice guidelines, in terms of how organisations could transition towards ad...
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(Solution) 7HRC Human Resource Management in Context
It is recommended you spend equal time on each question in this section.
Question 1
It is recommended that you spend an equal amount of your time on each of the tasks.
Question 1 Answer BoxCOMMENTS Task 1 An important area, skill, and knowledge in human resources management (HRM) is to understand how to perform an environmental scan. One of the areas that I learned from the course materials is that environmental scanning is vital in making informed de...
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(Solution) Supporting Good Practice in Managing Employment Relations
Executive Summary
This report entails an evaluation of employee relations while inferring to Peddie’s case study. The analysis follows three core sections. These include the theoretical frameworks surrounding employee relations, an evaluation of the short and long-term issues in Peddie’s case, and recommendations for addressing these issues while considering the possible resistance and challenges. Three core theories describe employee relations. They include pluralist, unitarist, and Marxist...
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(Solution) Reward Management (7RWM)
Executive Summary
In this report, an evaluation of external reward environment and management changes likely in the next year has been evaluated. Other than this, impact of the change on the benefits and remuneration of employees, management team and executives have been evaluated. In line with this analysis, issues that relate to expatriate employees enrolling in long-term job functions with a set of recommendations in this case established. For the purpose of achieving the set ...
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(Solution) Personal Effectiveness, Ethics And Business Acumen
Learning Outcome 1: Be able to model principles and values that promote inclusivity aimed at maximising the contribution that people make to organisations.
Assessment criterion 1To be able to critically assess different ethical standpoints on people practice and the maintenance of high standards of ethical behaviour.Indicative contentDifferent versions of ethics; taking the lead in challenging all levels of the organisation to give balanced responses to the different ethical standpoints both...
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