CIPD Level 7 7HR01 Strategic Employment Relations
Question 1 Assessment Criterion 1.4
Define ‘good employment relations’; critically reviewing how this can be achieved in organisations.
Adopting the definition in Bulińska-Stangrecka and Bagieńska (2021) the employee relations identify the relationship of employers and employees. This concept is interpreted in the context of individual and collective workplace relations. This is by reflecting on increasing indivi...
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(Solution) Oakwood CIPD Level 7 7C004 Business Research in People Practice
The business research project
LO1: be able to plan a people practice business research project aimed at adding organisational value.
Task 1.1: Explain how and why you chose the terms of reference for your project
In this research, the area of focus is impact of diversity and inclusion on the employee’s productivity. As a people practice area, HBR (2021) identify diversity and inclusion threshold as being defined by the Gartner Inclusion Index (see f...
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(Solution) CIPD Level 7 Advanced Diploma 7C003 Personal Effectiveness, Ethics and Business Acumen
To people practice professionals, working through an active self-assessment is core for appreciating their strengths and weaknesses. This is at the same time increasing self-confidence to offer a chance of correction and data to improve performance. As evidenced in Sridharan and Boud (2019), by working on an active self-assessment, people practice professionals are in a position of evaluating professional practice and offer an opportunity to set future growth strateg...
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(Solution) CIPD Level 7 Advanced Diploma 7C002 People Management and Development Strategies for Performance
LO 1 – AC 1.1: Objectives of People Practice
The dynamism in the human resources management (HRM) is reflected in the shift from the basic roles of recruitment and selection to broadened people practices. In the January 2017 CIPD research report, it was revealed that HR professionals are facing varying situations, characterised by disagreements in the values between stakeholders (CIPD, 2017). The contemporary organisation’s HR professional is concerned more with the people and working with d...
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(Solution) CIPD Level 7 Advanced Diploma 7C001 Work and Working Lives in a Changing Business Environment
Question 2
The modern technology has had an impact on revolutionalising the extent in which organisations value creation and manner in which people practice professionals operate in distinct industries, economy and society. This is affirmed in Houghton and Baczor (2020) study finding which had evidenced that big data, digitization and Artificial Intelligence (AI) harness success in managing hard jobs, augmenting roles and changing nature of work. This phenomenon in my organisatio...
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