For this inhouse manual, it offers a detailed description of the different issues of workforce plan, talent management practices, contractual agreement and onboarding approaches. Through a focus on an identified organisation of focus, this report would make sure it provides a detailed information on workforce planning approaches, technique followed, workforce risks management and best workforce assessment. For talent management, existing tools to establish and retain best t...
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Avado 5HR02 Task 3 – Retention of talent proposal presentation pack
OcMara currently have the objective to retain talented staff. The people practices manager has asked you to produce a presentation that can be delivered at the next senior managers meeting. Produce a presentation pack with notes that will include:
An explanation of how motivational issues and management style can impact retention and turnover rates within OcMara (AC3.1).
A comparison of how training and development and workplace characteristics can be used to develop ...
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Avado 5HR02 Task 2 – Workforce planning and recruitment pack
Now that you have completed your poster presentation, your manager has asked you to produce a workforce planning and recruitment pack. You will present this at the next HRBPS meeting, next month.
The workforce planning and recruitment pack must include an introduction, conclusion and the following points:
An analysis of the impact of workforce planning in terms of forecasting demand for labour utilising both internal and external sources of supply (AC2.1).
An evaluation of t...
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Avado 5HR02 Task 1 – Poster presentation (strategic positioning and labour market)
The manager of the people practice team is looking to learn more about the labour market. They have asked you to prepare a poster presentation for the forthcoming monthly team briefing. Your manager wants you to research the labour market trends, focussing on the best practices of an organisation named “SAP” who won the Employer Brand Management Awards in 2019 in five different categories.
The poster presentation must include:
An explanation of how “SAP” strategically...
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Avado 5HR02 Talent Management and workforce planning
Task 1 – Poster presentation (strategic positioning and labour market)
The manager of the people practice team is looking to learn more about the labour market. They have asked you to prepare a poster presentation for the forthcoming monthly team briefing. Your manager wants you to research the labour market trends, focussing on the best practices of an organisation named “SAP” who won the Employer Brand Management Awards in 2019 in five different categories.
You will also need to ca...
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Avado 5HR01 Task 3- Email to CEO
Write an email to the CEO of REBU outlining the:
similarities and differences between various employee bodies including union and non-union forms of employee representation (4.2)
main provisions of the statutory recognition procedures relating to collective employment law including official and unofficial action. Include an evaluation of substantive and procedural agreements relating to collective bargaining and how this could work within REBU. (4.1 & 4.3)
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Avado 5HR01 Task 2 – Training session (presentation pack and supporting notes)
Design a short training session for line managers of REBU, addressing how they can manage conflict in the workplace. Your presentation pack and supporting notes should include:
An explanation as to the differences between organisational conflict, misbehaviour and what is meant by informal and formal conflict (AC2.1) and an analysis of the key causes of employee grievance within REBU (AC3.2).
An explanation of at least two skills required to successfully handle grievances and di...
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Avado 5HR01 Task 1 – Briefing paper to the Board of Directors
You have been asked by the Board of Directors to produce a briefing paper which outlines how REBU can improve employee engagement.
Your briefing paper must include:
A review of emerging developments to approaches to employee voice and engagement and it must provide:
Three recommendations on how REBU can improve approaches to employee voice and engagement based on your review. The recommendations must include clear and actionable justifications (1.1).
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Avado 5HR01 Employment relationship management
Task 1 – Briefing paper to the Board of Directors
You have been asked by the Board of Directors to produce a briefing paper which outlines how REBU can improve employee engagement.
Your briefing paper must include:
A review of emerging developments to approaches to employee voice and engagement and it must provide:
Three recommendations on how REBU can improve approaches to employee voice and engagement based on your review. The recommend...
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Avado 5CO03 Professional behaviours and valuing people Task Two – CPD portfolio
This task combines a number of activities to produce a continued professional development (CPD) portfolio. The activities require you to demonstrate your understanding of, commitment and approach to CPD.
Activity 1 – The Context of Professional Development
As an introduction to your portfolio, explain the following:
The concepts of CPD and Reflective Practice
How the role of a people professional is changing and the implications this has for CPD. (3.1)
Activity 2...
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