(Solution) 5LD01_2021_01 5HRO2 Talent Management and workforce planning


5HR02- Talent Management and Workforce Planning

Table of Contents

Task One- Presentation Pack. 2

1.1 Organisations strategic positioning in competitive labour markets. 2

1.2 Impact of changing labour market conditions on resourcing decisions. 3

1.3 Role of Government in ensuring future skills needs are met. 4

1.3 Role of Employers in ensuring future skills needs are met 5

1.3 Role of Trade Unions in ensuring future skills needs are met. 6

3.1 Turnover and Retention Trends and factors influencing why people choose to leave or remain. 7

3.1 Factors influencing why people choose to leave or remain. 8

Task Two- Inhouse Manual 8

Chapter 1- Workforce Planning. 9

2.1 Impact of effective workforce planning. 9

2.2 Techniques used to support the process of workforce planning. 10

2.3 Approaches of succession and contingency planning. 11

Succession Planning. 11

Contingency Planning. 12

2.4 Strengths and weaknesses of different methods of recruitment and selection to build effective workforces. 13

Recruitment Methods. 13

Selection Methods. 13

Chapter 2- Talent Management. 14

3.2 Comparing different approaches for developing and retaining talent on an individual and group level 14

3.3 Approaches organisation can take to build and support different talent pools. 15

3.4 Benefits of diversity in building and supporting talent pools. 15

3.5 Impact associated with dysfunctional employee turnover 16

Direct Costs. 16

Indirect Costs 16

Chapter 3- Contractual Arrangements and Onboarding. 16

4.1 Suitable types of contractual arrangements dependent on specific workforce needs. 16

4.2 Main types of contractual terms in contracts. 17

4.3 Components and benefits of effective onboarding. 18

References. 19

Task One- Presentation Pack (Word Count; 1098 words)

1.1 Organizations strategic positioning in competitive labor markets

Employer of Choice- In line with the findings presented by PMjobs (2019), employer of choice note on the extent in which organisation initiatives, policy development, benefits and all the work conditions are used to harness best practice. For UK case, employers of choice are ranked with the Sunday Times 100 organisations to work (Sunday Times, 2020). This influence RML Beverage Drinks becoming an employer of choice.  According toSmithson (2015), the employer of choice would achieve immense benefits to the organisation. By being an employer of choice, Knowledge Compass (2019) note that such an organisation is in a position of attracting the most successful and highly qualified employees.

Competitive Analysis- According to Tankwar and Kumar (2019), this approach by modern organisations is to define differences of providing and creation of organisation value in their industry of operation. As evidenced in CIPD (2022), this is by providing employees with opportunity for total/strategic rewards, remote working and on-job training popularly implemented in times of COVID-19. Considering RML Beverage Drinks, this entail prioritising on aspects of competitive remuneration, remote/hybrid working particularly in today COVID-19 pandemic.

1.2 Impact of changing labor market conditions on resourcing decisions

In order to evaluate the changes in labour market conditions on decisions to resource, CIPD (2021a) highlight tight labour markets include immense competition for employees with important qualification or characteristics (CIPD, 2021). This is affirmed by People Management (2021) Higgs Model which evidence the best practice in organisations as entailing prioritisation on rewards, cultural practices, L&D strategies and retention.

Employment Market

In ONS (2021) report, there has been a significant surge in UK employment market with 0.20% to attain approximately 75.50%. Also, the Statistica (2022) found that in the UK context, upto 32.5 million people are today actively engaged in the labour market which is a higher number compared to 2021.

When there are multiple potential employees to occupy job positions, resourcing approaches tend to be strict to ensure they recruit the most qualified employees. Skills, experience and knowledge to execute the assigned roles is prioritised. This is as opposed to a phenomenon where less employees are readily available in a job market which influence an organisation to prioritise on issues of qualification with experience prioritisation being limited. 

Labour Supply

According to Statistica (2022a), for the UK context, as of 2019, approximately 86% involved are of 35 years to upto 49 years in the labour sector. This is contrary to half of them of age 16 to 24 years of age. Starting year 2000, the level of employment for individuals of age 16 to 24 years has reduced while 50-64 years having a substantial increase (Statistica, 2022a).

This factor impact resourcing by influencing an increase in need to resource high-level employees with appropriate skills. Mismatch of jobs and skills are also evident. To manage the skills-job mismatch, after resourcing an employee, opportunities are offered for career development.

Attitude to Work

From the time the COVID-19 pandemic arose, attitude of work has immensely been altered. Considering ONS (2021a), 37% of working adults engaging in flexible working in 2020 has increased from the 28% in year 2019. Therefore, for success RML Beverage Drinks resourcing, employees pursue flexible working and work-life balance for their success.

This impact resourcing approaches since employees retention is affected significantly. The impacted employees retention means that the organisation is continuously recruiting the best employees at all time. Hence, they adopt recruitment agencies who are readily offering qualified employees.

Ageing Population

Representing a global trend, for the populations, UN (2021) report findings evidenced that for the employees of age 65 years and more has increased with upward of 6%. For RML Beverage Drinks, they need to manage aspects of age discrimination, health and safety factors and immense labour pool.

In resourcing, CIPD (2022) identify ageing population as impacting patters of work and retirement trend. Hence, organisations are preferring to recruit new employees to work under the mentorship of the elderly

 1.3 Role of Government in ensuring future skills needs are met

Incentives for investing in L&D- Considering the UK context, GOV.UK (2021) provide incentives in the form of grants and bursaries to enable the employees to participate in different courses and training chances. The process is however cost intensive to the government.

Apprenticeships– This is identified as a form of training which are offered to the employees to undertake as they progress with their job roles. According to GOV.UK (2021a), for the apprenticeships in UK, they contribute to 97% of the entire costs incurred in apprenticeships with the employer funding for the 3% remaining.  Through apprenticeships, it is possible to evidence the capacity of an individual to operate in a professional-based environment(Assets Publishing, 2022).

1.3 Role of Employers in ensuring future skills needs are met

Effective Succession Plan– According to CIPD (2020), succession plan include identifying growth talents to occupy leadership places and business position which are future oriented. Considering RML Beverage Drinks, the best practice would entail ensuring investment internally and seconding employees roles with immense success. The best practice need to entail developing plans for preparing people for potential improvement in their job functions.

Organisation Culture of Continuous Knowledge Acquisition– For future skills achievement, the employers could set a budget to their employees with an intention of continuous learning. The outcome of this is achieving positive improvement of skills preparing them to sufficiently participate in these opportunities in RML Beverage Drinks.

1.3 Role of Trade Unions in ensuring future skills needs are met

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