(Solution) Discuss processes for consulting and engaging with internal customers to understand their needs (3.3)


Communication Strategy

For the identified project of introducing 4-days’ work imply people practice professionals ensuring awareness is created among all stakeholders. According to Kim (2022) an evaluation of entire issues would be based on appropriate feedback obtained as they are interacting. This is intended to capitalise on verbal a non-verbal characteristic for communication strategy.  For Saudi Aramco, prioritising on staff diversity would include using focus groups, questionnaires and interviews for successful engagement. This would lead to stakeholders being placed for open engagement with entire people professionals in offered opportunities.

The varying opportunity and drawbacks associated with enrolling for the 4-ays of work could be evidenced targeting on promoting open oriented interactions, accepted and collaborate. The best practice would be evaluating success in communication for implementing quarterly appraisals. The importance of working for the appraisal is sourcing on-time appraisal is getting feedback from the employees to appreciate their input on 4 days working week.

Stakeholders Analysis

This process can be achieved by application of the Mendelow matrix analysis tool (McFadden et al., 2021). It evidence on the power and interest of the different stakeholders on the issue at hand. The various stakeholders come up with 4 days weekly arrangement. For success in analysis, customised people function roles are implemented by Saudi Aramco teams different interests.

Further, to achieve buy-in amongst the people practice professionals for 4 days’ work initiative,  stakeholders mapping is applicable. This is for generating continuous update to identify 4 days working implemented by different stakeholders in terms of support process provide.

Needs Analysis

For success in implementing 4-days working week strategy, internal customers are supposed to be prioritised a form core area of strategy implementation. For instance, Saudi Aramco include people professionals actively engaged in the strategy. The outcome of needs analysis have a positive implication on identifying and managing quality level of services for ensuring satisfaction scope. The 4 days working week would be implemented as a significant area for organisation supporting a facilitating implementation process.

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