(Solution) Individual Report- Leadership (AS2)

Executive Summary

In this report, an evaluation of leadership and management issues have been evaluated. The areas identified include employee productivity and performance and change management. The case analysis has been developed in context of Manar Food Industries LLC organisation. In evaluation, it is clear that the identified issues are core for growth and development in their transitioning to a new stage prioritising on people, process and plant. For addressing these concerns, the findings in this report has developed a set of recommendations. They entail continuous performance management, L&D approaches evaluating business environment for appreciating main business trends and change management model implementation. The theories and frameworks which support analysis carried out are informed by transformative and participative or democratic leadership styles, Dave Ulrich HR models and Kotter change management.

Table of Contents

1.0 Purpose and Background of Report 3

1.1 Background of Manar Food Industries LLC organisation. 3

2.0 Leadership and Management Challenges within Current Business Environment. 3

2.1 Employees Productivity and Performance. 4

2.2 Change Management 6

3.0 Case Study Analysis: Potential Solutions. 8

3.1 Employee Productivity and Performance Achievement 9

3.1.1 Investment in Information Technology (IT) 9

3.1.2 Continuous Performance Management 10

3.1.3 Enough Resources Allocation for L&D Strategies 10

3.2 Change Management 11

3.2.1 Following the Best Change Management Model 11

3.2.2 Resources Allocation for Change. 11

3.2.3 Supporting Staff by Communication and Training. 12

3.2.4 Involving Stakeholders in Process of Change Management 12

4.0 Conclusion and Recommendations. 12

References. 14

1.0 Purpose and Background of Report

In this report, it focuses on analysis of leadership and management issues in identified organisation business environment. The selected areas of focus are employee productivity and performance and managing change process. Also, as part of the discussion, relevant solutions to the challenges are offered. Importantly, by focusing on Manar Food Industries LLC organisation appropriate insights have been obtained informed by current high-level transformation of the organisational leadership. In the past, leadership and management entailed resourcing strategies and development and enforcement of set policies. This has since changed and entail integrating aspects of people management, engaging all players, performance and change management. This is affirmed in Mourao (2018) which identify SMEs and large organisations prioritise on developing skills and competencies for improving individual and organisation performance. Further, Bolden (2010) identify Human Resource Management (HRM) as actively engaged as a system. Hence, in line with this background information, this report evaluates the identified areas of leadership and management to appreciate the success of the organisation operations.

1.1 Background of Manar Food Industries LLC organisation

Manar Industries LLC organisation is ISO 22000:2005 is a fully certified organisation with their dedication being on satisfaction of snack cravings of their clients from year 2000. As evidenced in Manar Food Industries (2022), they are involved in provision of savoury snacks comprised of the best cooking methods and innovative techniques. This is with a perfect balancing of flavors, spices and the highest quality of ingredients integrated for production of consistent delicious range of snacks. Their upwards of 40 snacks variants achieve nook and corner of Oman and has been exported to 5 different nations. The organisation mission is manufacturing and selling highly healthy, nourished snacks by unwavering dedication for introducing crispy moments and goodness with every bite.

2.0 Leadership and Management Challenges within Current Business Environment

An embrace of appropriate leadership and management is core for successful organisation operations, growth and development. According to Azad et al. (2017), the relevance of leadership and management inform on the organisation effectiveness. To describe leadership concept, the priority is on people, articulating organisation vision, trust levels, change embrace, influence, personalised relations based leadership, strategic thinking and responsibly delegating roles (Pidgeon, 2017). According to Leroy et al. (2018), the relevance of the identified factors in identifying the two issues is ensuring employees productivity and performance and change management is informed by relevance of trust, change and personalised relations. For example, influencing change is attained through visionary leaders creating relevant approaches for address of organisation issues and alignment of the organisation strategies with international dynamics. Further, strategic thinking and appropriate delegation are core for harnessing a teamwork practice, anchored on harnessing performance of an organisation.

Management conversely include prioritising on things, plans implementation, change management, authority use and establishing long-term objectives. According to Ellis and Abbott (2020), the relevance of the two concepts is to guarantee continuum. Additionally, for attain leadership and management roles, in Shah (2018), various styles are relevant for acknowledgement of ethical principles. Other main aspects of consideration include behaviours and holistic communication. In this report, the identified issues of focus include change management and employees productivity and performance.

2.1 Employees Productivity and Performance

There prevail a direct correlation of leadership, motiovation and productivity concepts. As evidenced in Fiaz et al. (2017), the Laissez-faire and democratic leadership strategies positively impact the scope of employees motivation. This is informed by inclusion of employees in active decision making. This is identified in Dodge et al. (2017) as harnessing effective leadership hence harnessing innovation and profound behaviours linked with an individual promoted performance.

A core function of organisational leadership is development of holistic systems and strategies for employees success, innovativeness, capability and knowledge embrace. In line with George (2008) earlier findings, the rationale of this is workforce motivation and to encourage their productivity. Different theories and models are relevant for evidencing the organisational leadership to foster employees performance and productivity level. For instance, Thompson (2016) identify Motivational Theory X and Y with leader advocating for an extreme from management. For Theory X, it entail individuals disliking assigned roles and lack of willingness of accountability. Theory Y prioritise on self-motivation and a person challenge by assigned job functions. Management possess the view that they need to work in collaboration with the employees, act responsibly and empower their subordinates in making good decisions. A different major theory is Nguyen et al. (2017) transformational style theory. This is informed by the view that leaders functions entail inspiring, encouraging and motivating their workforce towards creation of change and innovativeness.

Considering Manar Industries LLC organisation the major challenges impacting their productivity and ability to leverage on competitive advantage is insufficient strategies for ensuring increased performance. Considering the organisation policy framework, factors including performance management are yet to be fully enjoined. As evidenced in the transformational leadership, management of the entity ought to prioritise on workforce for ensuring strategic decisions and teamwork is harnessed. These are not part of the organisation practice successfully (Choi et al., 2017). Rather, organisation has prioritised on developing strategic partnerships  with different manufacturers in Oman. Their lack of ability of concentrating employees inspiration and their motivation for harnessing productivity and performance lead to the organisation being exposed to a set of risks. The risks are staff turnover cost-intensive and lowered employees and organisation performance (Stamolampros et al., 2019). Manar Industries LLC organisation ought to hence prioritise on motivation and inspiration of staff in promoting individual performance.

A different main leadership and management tissues link to the need of making sure that productivity and performance is impacted by lack of consistent performance management integrated with L&D initiatives. For instance, CIPD (2019) identify performance management as core to harness value of employees. This is affirmed in Martin and Whiting (2016) which identify performance management as consistent with staff offered with prompt feedback. This harness establishment of L&D programs for addressing employees weaknesses and embracing their strengths. Additionally, for Manar Industries LLC organisation, inexistence of detailed information pertaining to organisation focus on performance management and detailed L&D for harnessing the staff productivity and performance is an issue. As organisation is transforming in focusing on their set processes, individuals, and systems are major factors for guiding the performance management strategies. This is core for harnessing investments in personalised growth.

Further, knowledge management is a different area of consideration to ensure guarantee performance and productivity of staff. As evidenced in Huang (2008), an exponential growth of knowledge-based economy evidence invaluable relevance of various knowledge assets. As evidenced in Hussinki et al. (2017), knowledge management entail sourcing, organising, disseminating and reusing of knowledge aspects and information in the entire organisation. The relevance of knowledge management is harnessing employees innovativeness and productivity are involved in fostering organisation growth and development. In Manar Industries LLC organisation, support of presence of effective knowledge management initiatives is not available significantly impacting organisation growth and development. The major factors of consideration in modern organisations entail the necessity for pursuing environment analysis by use of PESTEL, SWOT and Porters 5 Forces tools of analysis (Wu, 2020). Recognising the internal and external environment factors impact an entity as core for coming up with in-depth training initiatives for promoting competencies and productivity of an entity as evidenced in the organisation and environment trends and demands. In Manar Industries LLC organisation, it has insufficiently integrated the identified tools impacting their performance and holistic level of knowledge management systems and initiatives.

2.2 Change Management

A successful change management is core for leadership success. As evidenced in Stouten et al. (2018), success in change is………

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