Section One- Report
- Evidence-based practice
Evaluation of EBP Concept
A defined in CIPD (2019), EBP involve a process followed to make decisions which are supported with evidence. The evidence come from different sources guiding an organisation successful practice.
In line with the CIPD HR Professional Map, EBP is categorised as a professional value and involve guiding effective decision making, action to be made with required impact evident. Therefore, critical thinking is integrated and appropriate evidence in place.
For the strengths/benefits of EBP, they are;
Successful alignment of HR approaches with organisation goals– According to Allen ET AL. (2020) EBP assists to obtain quality sources that guide an organisation operations as part of organisation goals. The HR approaches guarantee balanced remuneration with sufficient resources and decision making.
Consistent in decision making– By embracing EBP successfully, there is a possibility of pursuing appropriate resourcing data to increase efficiencies of resources use (Bonifacio, 2023). The decisions made are all-inclusive depending on the organisation context.
Improved organisation credibility– Through an embrace of EBP, all issues are cleared eliminating any form of bias or misunderstanding amongst the engaged stakeholders. This increased credibility of their operations.
The different Challenges of EBP are;
Lack of awareness and education– This is identified as lacking sufficient understanding of what constitute the EBP. As evidenced in CIPD (2019), the different professionals understand differently on components of EBP.
Time Constraints– EBP is a holistic approach which involve implementation of immense caseloads, working for multiple number of hours and priorities which conflict. This hinder success of EBP implementation.
In summary, considering the application of EBP, it lead to effective decision making, committed and involving all the stakeholders in their functions. There are equally a set of issues in form of challenges identified which limit the success of EBP. In my current organisation in Riyad Bank in Saudi Arabia, this means making sure people practice professionals are positioned to work in high-level competition.
People Practitioners use EBP
Recruitment and Selection– By successfully using EBP in resourcing, an organisation such as Riyad Bank benefit from ensuring that effective decisions are made. This is with induction level and retention scope improved (Burke, 2022).
Learning and Development (L&D)– For guaranteeing success of the L&D strategy, this include recommending capacity development opportunities for organisation employees. In Capsim (2019), EBP as part of Riyad Bank for example lead to leaning needs aligned with suggested strategy for learning.
- Analysis tool and method
Analysis Tool- Fishbone Analysis
This is an analysis tool identified to be relevant in evaluation of cause and effect. It has no major components as opposed to the other tools in brainstorming a specific problem causes (CIPD, 2023).
Organisation issues- In organisation being affected by turnover, fishbone analysis can be used in diagnosis of their causes. For example Diana ( 2018) note that by using this tool, it is possible to diagnose the causes of employees turnover to be issues associated with failure of providing appropriate pay and rewards, lacking career development opportunities, ineffective induction and lacking work-life balance.
Challenges- Fishbone is primarily a cause and effect model. In Riyad Bank for example, the tool is used in establishing implication of a challenge such as employees turnover to their business goals. According to Duran ( 2023), this is achieved by visualisation of the different challenges with their cause noted and eventual sub-cause.
Opportunities– Through the use of fishbone analysis tool, the results guide to note potential opportunities for an organisation leveraging on. A case example is where in Riyad Bank, this is appropriately used in leveraging on strategic rewards, health and wellbeing strategies and remote work.
In summary, Fishbone analysis can be used for identifying scope of organisation success in highly competitive modern business environment. By evaluating multiple causes and subclauses, it becomes possible to identify how they are aligned and executed. To manage this issue, better inclusion of stakeholders can be pursued.
Analysis Method-Interviews
This is implemented as a qualitative approach to collect data by using open-ended questions (Fernando et al., 2023). In order to execute the interviews method, an interviewer is involved and several participant. This method is holistic as it targets a broad range of respondents hence an in-depth practice.
Organisation Issues- In an organisation such as Riyad Bank, when issues with performance are prevalent, they use interviews to note on their exact causes. The interview questions are appropriate for diagnosing all these issues, identifying staff interests to the issues and their mitigation.
Challenges- After the emergence of COVID-19 pandemic and eventual economic crisis, many organisations encountered high-level turnover. As such, HR Daily Advisor (2014) recommend the use for use of exit interviews for diagnosing the causes of employees turnover.
Opportunities-By working on exit interviews, there is a possibility of noting existing chances for leveraging on by an entity. A case example is in Riyad Bank where they adopt the interviews to identify the opportunities they can leverage on for managing the prevalent challenge of employees exit from the organisation.
- Main principles
The critical thinking principles include;
Objective rationale thinking– This involve a leverage on objective data available, logical evaluation of situations and analysis. This is distinct from embrace of subjective/intuition oriented problem solving. A case example is Riyad Bank where objective rational thinking is used to guide in identifying a problem, developing solutions from different alternatives and most appropriate solution obtained.
Well-Reasoned Argument– As part of critical thinking, a logical and well thought-out decision is made. To achieve this, people ensure that they review all the existing arguments, their summation and come up with the most appropriate. For Riyad Bank for example, in Riyad Bank, by reviewing all argument, the most appropriate solution is obtained which is holistically accepted/truth.
Example of using critical thinking in my idea
In my practice working in Riyad Bank as a people practice professional, two employees were reported as always engaged in conflicts/disagreements. Their basis of disagreement was on how best to execute their functions in the organisation. The result of these conflicts included less productivity, lower credibility and a host of challenges. By use or critical thinking, I ensured I embraced objectivity in settling these disagreements. I manged to develop a summary of all available alternatives and opinions to generate my decision. Further, I desisted from embrace of face/seen value but prioritised on evaluation of ambiguous data and details. The outcome of this was dismissing the employee who was leading to the disagreements.
Debate someone else idea
Working in Riyad Bank, Post-COVID, admin made a recommendation for facilitating a remote/flexible working. This meant all the employees would be facilitated for taking part in working from home plan in different organisation departments. I managed to embrace critical thinking to triangulate and also evaluate appropriateness of this decision by the management. In the organisation, there are cashiers working in front desk and receptionists executing job functions which are not technical hence not appropriate for flexible working. I similarly pursued a benchmark on how other organisations have been doing and identified hybrid working as most popular.
- Decision making process
De Bono (6 Thinking Hats)
For this tool, it is relevant in pursing an investigation of the different issues impacting an entity in different context, detailed with no conflicting decisions made. This tool is appropriate for individuals and teams in an organisation practice discretionary behaviour in their thinking, embrace different approaches and in a constructive manner think on best future practice (Kraut, 2020). The advantage of sing the tool entail effective debating, solving challenges and deriving a critical-based decision. Further, this method encourages teams in management of issues impacting them from multiple/diverse point of view. The drawbacks/barriers of the method entail immense input required which could be time-intensive and resource demanding.
The success of using this tool is guiding the use of facts where yellow colour being a indicator of success or good achievement. The black colour evidence risks management, challenges and issues faced. This is while red colour representing feelings in antireality, hunched and intuitiveness. The green colour finally is found informing creativity while blue is management of thinking (Lau & Sholihin, 2015).
Action Learning Approach
This is noted to be a process where the leaders develops appropriate skills in workplace to aid their decision making (Macleod, 2024). The importance of embrace of this strategy is encouraging good thinking in terms of the issues affecting them from different angle and reflecting on different stages of decision making. The advantages of this approach entail improving collaboration amongst the different teams with leaders required to work with their subordinates in solving the challenges. For effective decision making, this approach also offer an opportunity for facilitation of coaching to ensure success in decision making. The challenges/drawbacks include a lot of time consumed to execute, importance to memorise and uncertainty of feedbacks sourced.
For diagnosing current and future-based issues through the application of action learning, professionals and management are recommended on the most appropriate capacity development informed by business needs. By action, it means that internally, different players working in such an organisation are engaged to come up with acceptable solution. In Riyad Bank for example, this method is used by engaging different stakeholders to accept the final decision made.
Problem-Outcome Frame
This strategy entail evaluating the problem by reviewing all available options (MindTools, 2022). This is different from just pursuing opinions of the reason a specific problem is in existence and source. This lead to a detailed embrace of thinking approach, evaluating likelihood of success in the decision making and following stipulated stages of solution management.
The advantages associated with this framework include the ability of an organisation broadening their thought-out to include what they expect and how to attain it. The limitation of this method include identifying the appropriate problem to be solved contrary to the obvious one.
Considering complex issues which impact people practice such as performance issues, health and wellbeing, work-life balance and rewards, they would be managed by developing a thinking strategy meant to help understand, define and prioritise on these complex issues. For Riyad Bank case, through their significant employees turnover, a reorganisation of their critical thinking process is appropriate. The evaluation target rewarding the employs, support system for solving the problem.
- Ethical perspectives
Ethical TheoriesDeontology-
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