A competitive labour market is a market where employers are competing for available top talent. In order to attract and retain top talents, BMG need to position itself theory competitive analysis, employer of choice and employer branding.
Competitive analysis
Competitor analysis is about carrying out an analysis of workplace characteristics such as pay and benefits, flexible working, employment contract, work-life balance and working conditions offered by competitors. BMG can rely on this data to create differentiated resourcing and people management strategies.
Employer of choice
An employer of choice is a workplace where employees what to stay (Barsoum and Abdalla, 2022). What BMG needs to do is to understand what employees want and implement strategies to meet these needs. They feel happy and satisfied with their work. CIPD Good Work Index provides dimensions in which BMG can become an employer of choice. These includes work-life balance, better pay and benefits, employment contract, job security, employee voice and better health and wellbeing.
Employer branding
Employer branding is the image that BMG has in the minds of Job seekers. A good employer brand at BMG can be achieved through a focus on diversity and inclusion, positive working relationships, employee value proposition and communicating vision and mission (Ahmad et al., 2022). The hiring process should be inclusive, craft fair policies and consider offering rewards that motivate employees.

A labour market is a market where employers look for talents and employees search for available jobs. According to Boys (2022) the labour market can be tight or loose. When the labour market is tight, unemployment is low and there are many unfilled job vacancies. The impact of tight labour market on resourcing decisions is recruitment struggles and difficulties in retaining talents. CIPD’s (2023) labour market outlook report found that the market is tight and organisations are facing challenges to recruit senior roles and skilled talents. A labour market is loose when unemployment rate is high and few job vacancies are available. During this period, organisations face less challenges in recruiting talents. There is plenty of talents in the market.
Other trends in labour market
Economic trends – CIPD (2023) labour market outlook found that there has been persistent rise in inflation and interest rates. These aspects affects organisations ability to make huge profits and to hire a huge number of talents. The report found that 17% of employers are planning for redundancy. When economy is declining, organisation reduce hiring more employees, but positive economic bring new opportunities.
Technology – CIPD’s (2022) talent planning and resourcing survey report found that 80% of organisations are using technology to recruit talents. The impact to resourcing decision are increased candidate accessibility and experience.

The government supports skill development by introducing policies and reforms to improve education. In the UK, the government supports apprenticeship programmes through apprenticeship levy and funding (Crowley, 2022). Another way the government has supported learning is through the reformation of vocational and technical education under the Skills for Jobs White Paper. The introduction of Sainsbury Review of Post-16 skills has made the government to reform technical education to help learners achieve skilled employment (Crowley, 2022).
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