The Research Project: Machinery Concrete Building Information Modeling (BMI) in UAE Construction Industry

Choose a topic related to construction materials and/or methods that you are interested in.

Create an essay: This composition should be no less than four pages (1200 words), typed and double-spaced, using standard 12-point Times-New Roman font, and should include a Bibliography (your sources of information) with at least three sources.
The UAE construction industry plays a critical role in the country national economic development. Prior the 2008 global financial crisis that affected different countries in the world, UAE construction industry represented approximately 14% of the overall UAE GDP (Oxford Business Group, 2014). Nevertheless, similar to the other countries globally that were affected by the financial crisis, UAE construction industry was equally affected. After the global economic crisis, the country GDP value increased by more than 8% (Gaza, 2015). Hence, UAE construction industry is a critical industry that needs an in-depth analysis to gain insights on its active practice. In the UAE economy, the rate of development has intensely remarkably in the last 25 years where a boom in the construction industry has been witnessed. Nevertheless, the UAE construction industry is going through several issues such as project completion delays and cost overruns. In this case, a successful utilization of the BMI in the construction industry in UAE is expected to elicit an impeccable improvement in the performance and profitability of the construction industry. In this analysis, I will argue that to enhance the progress of the UAE construction industry; there is a need of embracing the emergence technology.
It is worth noting that the global construction industry is being characterized by radical changes in terms of technology adoption and application. As pointed out by Bryde et al. (2013),………..Please click the paypal icon below to receive this essay for $10 only