Computerized clinical decision support systems (CCDSS) and implementation of system in Primary Practice

In this research project I am using a Primary Care Center for the research project. I am NOT using a hospital or any other type of institution, just a Primary Care Center to keep it simple. From point I to X of the GUIDELINE TO COMPLETE THE PROJECT, is the whole research. The writer needs to write and develop only points VI, IX, and X. which is my part to the research project. Other team members will develop the remaining points (I, II,III,IV, and V) based also in a Primary Care Center as well. The team will put everything together by Saturday 6/9/2018 11:59 pm. All I need is for the writer is to develop points VI, IX, and X, which are the points I was assigned to develop as part of the whole research.

The project topic is about: Computerized clinical decision support systems (CCDSS) and the implementation of the system in our Primary Practice. Please develop only part VI, IX and X only, which is my part. You can find literature online and feel free about references to develop the work.
Please answer NOT to point VI question 1 in the GUIDELINE (1. Is the organization prepared to support this electronic solution? If not, what obstacles must be overcome in order to prepare for the implementation? Use financial risk, economic or monetary issues, time consuming issues, training cost issues and more. On point IX, and X, find negative arguments to explain or justify answers to these points.

Here is part of the abstract we as a team already created. It will give you an idea of what is the entire project’s intention about. Once you read this abstract that we already put together, you will have a better idea about your writing (PLEASE READ IT)

Using Computer-Based Clinical Decision Support Algorithms


Medical errors continue to plague healthcare systems in the United States (U.S.) to date.
Based on the Center for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC’s) official list of the top cause of
death, medical errors would rank behind only heart disease and cancer, which each took about
600,000 lives in 2014 and ahead of respiratory disease which caused about 150,000 deaths
(Perez, 2016). Moreover, each year in the U.S. there are approximately two million adverse drug
events that cause staggering 100,000 deaths and increase healthcare cost by $136 billion dollars
(Gopalan, 2017). Computerized clinical decision support systems (CCDSS) potentially has many
features that could mitigate errors. These support systems provide clinicians, staff, patients and
other individuals with knowledge and person-specific information that is intelligently filtered or
presented at appropriate times to enhance health and healthcare. This type of system allows
healthcare providers to search for evidence-based, peer-reviewed, diagnostic and treatment
recommendations at the point of care. Clinical decision support promotes patient safety and can
significantly impact improvements in quality, safety, efficiency and effectiveness of health care.
It requires computable biomedical knowledge, person-specific data, and a reasoning or
inferencing mechanism that combines knowledge and data to generate and present helpful
information to clinicians as care is being delivered. This information must be filtered, organized
and presented in a way that supports the current workflow, allowing the user to make an
informed decision quickly and take action.

A recent study supports this view finding the clinicians that use CCDSS have dramatically
lower raters of diagnostic errors as compared to a control group of clinicians without CCDSS
(Shimizu, Nemoto, & Tokuda, 2018). Moreover, a systematic review on the effects of CCDSS on
practitioner performance and patient outcomes have correlated that many CCDSS improve
practitioner performance and that more data is needed to determine the effects on patient
outcomes (Garg et al., 2005). Our group project is to analyze this type of technology and how it
can be effectively implemented into the healthcare setting. In the workflow this new technology
can improve clinical decision making for all clinicians improving patient safety and reducing
medical errors.

Medical errors have increased in an exponential way in U.S. The implementations of technological innovations have come to make a difference in incidence error reduction. Medical errors are in many occasions not recognized as such. U.S health systems are not generally designed to encourage error recognition, reporting, and remediation (Abraham J. Twerski, 2007). The CCDSS application in patient’s care has demonstrated to be effective and marking its place in the healthcare system by providing centralized data at the time of care. The implementation of such technology should be taken into consideration and studied for present and future applications.


According to the diffusion of innovations theory, the stages by which a person adopts an innovation, and whereby diffusion is accomplished, include awareness of the need for an innovation, decision to adopt or drop the innovation, initial use of the innovation to test it, and continued use of the innovation (Archibald & Clark, 2014). In this case, the widely used approach to improve the skills of health workers and the quality of health service provision is the use of clinical decision support systems. Clinical decision support systems (CDSS) provide clinicians, staff, and patients with knowledge and specific information at the point of health services, intelligently filtered and presented at the appropriate time, to enhance the decision-making process. CDSS can provide support to health providers on issues such as preventive care, diagnosis, and treatment, monitoring, and follow-ups. However; Devaraj (2016), indicate that there are significant obstacles that may limit the effective implementation of this project. These challenges include financial costs that will be undertaken either by training the users of purchasing and management of equipment as well as training cost. In this case, these obstacles have to be dealt with if the project is to succeed. This section will examine describes the activities financial and economic cost of a computer-assisted CDSS implementation in the primary health care provider estimates that may be useful in guiding other initiatives for computer-assisted CDSS implementation.
Firstly, personnel costs will be calculated by summing the cost that will be incurred by the staff who will be involved in the computer-assisted CDSS intervention during the first 12 months period of actual use of computer-assisted CDSS for patient care (Alighanbari, Alizadeh & Khorrami, 2017). The most important officers will include a technical officer and computer-assisted CDSS users. A technical officer with knowledge in information technology (IT) ….Please click the Paypal icon below to purchase full solution for only $10