Ways of Developing Research Topics, Refining, and turning into suitable research questions and objectives

Table of Contents

1.0 Purpose. 2

2.0 Ways of Developing Research Topics, Refining, and turning into suitable research questions and objectives  2

2.1 Developing Research Topics and Refining. 3

2.2 Turning Into Suitable Research Questions and Objectives. 4

3.0 Research Questions and Objectives Assisting Research Projects. 4

4.0 Research question suitable for business research. 6

5.0 SMART Objectives. 7

6.0 Conclusion. 7

References. 8

1.0 Purpose

In modern research, prior focusing on the research methods which represent the procedures used to collect and analyse data, identifying a suitable research question and objectives is essential. This view is supported by Farrugia et al. (2010) research which identify research question and objectives as assisting in explaining an interest area of research. Despite the study being based in medical field, it noted that development of a research question and integrating a supportive hypothesis and objectives, it is essential for generating relevant outcomes to be used as eventual research outcomes. In project management on the other hand, Hällgren (2012) note that research question and objective is instrumental in setting the scope, aim or contribution to a research work. Hence, according to Mensah et al. (2020), by having a well-grounded and appropriately established research questions, it is possible to come up with an appropriate conceptual and theoretical framework. Based on this background information, this task focuses on evaluating the suitable research questions and objectives.

2.0 Ways of Developing Research Topics, Refining, and turning into suitable research questions and objectives

Albeit the identified relevance or establishing research questions and objectives, limited research exist on best practice in their development. This is affirmed in Hällgren (2012) research which evidence that available textbooks in the research methods area fails in offering specified directions on best practice in formulating innovative research questions through scrutiny of literature in a particular area. In a more simplified explanation, Bond-Barnard et al. (2018) noted that it is a challenge developing a research topic and research questions as this is part of a research endeavour itself. This means that it is not an undertaking distinct from the research but an instrumental area of the research itself.

2.1 Developing Research Topics and Refining

Adopting the definition of Kim and Lim (2019), a research topic is a subject or an issue in which a researcher is interested in when pursuing a particular research work. For success in any research project, it is hence instrumental to initiate by developing an appropriate research topic. This view is also supported by Karampelas (2021) which note that developing a research topic is a progressive process which ends with refining the ideas. Hence, the background of the process would entail understanding the area of focus, purpose, and requirements. The ways would include;

Selecting a topic- As part of selecting a topic, Dionicio Reyes et al. (2020) note that the best practice is identifying the idea in mind by either engaging an instructor, colleagues or friends. For example, to focus on employees’ challenges in current COVID-19 pandemic, various research topics such as employee retention, employees remuneration, flexible working approaches and health and wellbeing areas could be selected. To identify the best topic out of these examples, Mensah et al. (2020) and Yingyongsak (2020) note need for selection of a topic by use of journals and newspapers to develop an appropriate topic.

Narrowing down a topic- This represent the critical area for developing a research topic. In Malkawi and Smadi (2018) the rationale of this is that the existence of a general topic leads to challenges on obtaining particular research. Since a general report is selected, the topic is narrowed down to a particular subject (Snyder, 2019). This is while also ensuring prioritising on the tome periods, geographical location, cultural factors and individual/groups. For instance, in a broader issue of employees retention during COVID-19 pandemic, this can be narrowed down to evaluate issues of Total Rewards System offered to the employees or work-life balance.

Considering main concepts- According to Hunt et al. (2018) after identification of the main area, the core ideas, concepts and theories are appropriately identified. For a specific subject of any research, there prevail immense concepts and ideas which need to be pursued are prioritised. The issues in place are noted and highlighted. For example, Ioannidis (2018) note that in business research area, the questions posed would entail who? Why? What? Where? When and How? A good example in a research would include; What is the impact of total rewards system in improving employee retention in XXX organisation?

Topic Analysis- Adopting the definition of Haya Salmón and Rojas Pernia (2021) the analysis of a topic entail breaking down assignment questions or research topic for ensuring an easier understanding of the process holistically. The rationale of this in topic development is ensuring presence of an elaborate idea of what is meant to be written prior initiation of a research. At the end, an appropriate conclusion is generated relevant for the organisation. For instance, according to Sikand and Gill (2022), despite being in a health sector, the insights from analysis lead to a topic which is development of moral foundation among children of 3 to 6 years age.

Selecting appropriate tools- Since a research topic is intended to be eventually be used in a research, it is relevant at this phase to note on the information that intend to be adopted. For instance, Labrecque and Swanson (2018) note on the need for using the scholarly, primary or secondary sources, books, articles, internet and interviews. As noted in Voinov et al. (2018), this is while adopting visual sources and subject or disciplining a particular viewpoint, related or multi perspective in nature. For example, to gather insights on a study area of project management techniques impact on assigning employees roles in their departments, interviews and questionnaires would be most appropriate for use.

Revising and Refining- After successfully managing to select the best tools for analysis of the topic, an identification of the research strategies is achieved (Bus et al., 2020). The background information which is sourced by using the different tools is used in refining of the broad research topic to a more narrowed and focused topic. For instance, from a broad area of employee’s performance or lack thereof, this can be refined to employees satisfaction and motivation. After developing a more broadened subject to a highly specific topic area of study, the sooner it is possible shaping the research into a more refined topic area. According to Almeida et al. (2021) library information, revision, and reefing of the research topic evidence a thoughtful and well-done research work

Formulating Individual Ideas and Opinions- This entail a process of adopting a critical and creative thinking on the presented ideas and the information sourced. As evidenced in Potyrała et al. (2021), the rationale of this is successfully drawing relevant conclusion and coming up with a link informed by the research work. For example, if a researcher works in project management in an organisation, it is possible to identify issues in such a department and hence determine the most appropriate areas of research.

Synthesis of Information- This is the final approach of being able to identify the research topic. According to Nakagawa et al. (2019), it entails making sure that a specialised, general and linked information, history and discipline specific and multiple perspectives being prioritised. As a best practice, the researcher would need to ensure that a thought out of the ides fitting into the larger image being put into account. For example, it would be essential ensuring this is more informative and interesting to read along the entire topic such as employees retention, employees satisfaction, motivation and even committment.

2.2 Turning Into Suitable Research Questions and Objectives

As aforementioned, when a research topic is developed from……

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