Week 6 Discussion Response Practicum in Health Policy

Sources 2014- Present
NO TEXTBOOKS ( Mcgraw Hill, Elsevier, Pearson, etc…)

Original Post ( Don’t Respond to this)

Technology has changed over the years and continues to evolve. The way we communicate through technology and multimedia features have been developing over the years and have been becoming more and more integrated in the teaching and learning environment. Communication through social media affects everyone. Social media today is a powerful communication tool, with social networks being one of the most dominant ways we now communicate. According to Rowan-Kenyon, Martinez Aleman, Gin, Blakeley, Gismondi, Lewis, & Knight (2016), “In the United States, roughly 78% of the population uses some form of social networking media and over 145 million used access these networks on smartphones”. Internet applications rely on users profiles to generate online networks to share content and exchange information through media interaction. Social media tools that enable one to consume and produce content include text, image, and video (Rowan-Kenyon, Martinez Aleman, Gin, Blakeley, Gismondi, Lewis, & Knight, 2016). Many people rely on the media as their main source of information intake, to find out what is going on in the world. Social media are the vehicles to communicate, connect, and share information. Some examples include, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and blogs which all are fast, cost effective, and convenient in creating awareness to the public. Media also influences the opinion of the audience. Using social media networks would allow me to deliver my message on school nutrition and childhood obesity to my community as well as the social media public. I would be able to post texts, visual images, and videos related to the issue to express the importance it has on society and to influence the public’s opinion. Utilizing the power of the media will allow me to not only be an easy way to obtain insight from the community, but also build relationships, and acquire support in addressing this issue with policy makers.
Even though media and electronic social networking are fast, cost effective and convenient to use, there are legal and ethical issues that need to be considered. Anyone can post and share information on the Internet and also could be held responsible (Rowan-Kenyon, Martinez Aleman, Gin, Blakeley, Gismondi, Lewis, & Knight, 2016). It is crucial that the one who is obtaining the information establishes whether or not the source is credible or not. When using media to influence the public’s opinion on school nutrition, it is important to make sure there is evidence-based research behind what is being posted.
Rowan-Kenyon, H. T., Martinez Aleman, A. M., Gin, K., Blakeley, B., Gismondi, A., Lewis, J., & Knight, S. (2016). Social media in higher education. ASHE Higher Education Report, 42(5), 7-128. doi:10.1002/aehe.20103.

Post #1 Someone’s Post to the original post ( Respond to this)

If you had the opportunity to use another form of media, what type of media would you used to communicate your policy priority (childhood obesity and how school lunch plays a part.). I will share shortly how I used Facebook as part of my dissertation.

Post #2
The use of social media has significantly changed over the past decade. Not only does media deliver news all over the world, but now also offers a place to share opinions. As of 2014, it is estimated that about 70% of the United States healthcare organizations use forms of social media to educate the communities (Ventola, 2014). When used correctly, the media has the opportunity to positively influence society, while educating them on current issues. As an example, I would have never thought a few years ago that we would be updated on the presidential elections and decisions via Twitter and Facebook. This way of communication and influence shows the power social media can have. My healthcare concern policy topic is suicide. Social media (Facebook, Twitter, etc.) can be used as a positive tool to bring awareness to this concern. When used properly social media has many benefits. Outlets such as Facebook and Twitter are great tools to share stories of suicide, educate on signs and bring awareness to this sensitive subject. Social media has been used in the public to close gaps between communication and policy making. Another positive factor of using social media that is used to bring awareness to our healthcare policy topics of concerns is that it allows us to reach a bigger audience very quickly. Concerns we face on social medial posting is always staying professional. “When evaluating media reports, this skill is imperative to root out bias and deception.” (CCN, 2018) This is always important as healthcare professionals but even more important while using a social media as a platform to reach and educate people. A great approach to educating through social media is to do research on what is being read, seen or heard in the media and respond to this information (Mason, 2016). It is important to assess what the communities know about the topics, and what they would like to know. Gathering this information allows you to grab their attention.
Mason, D. J., Gardner, D. B., Outlaw, F. H., & O’Grady, E. T. (Eds). (2016). Policy & politics in nursing and healthcare (7th ed.). Retrieved from http://online.vitalsource.com
Ventola, C. L. (2014, July). Social Media and Health Care Professionals: Benefits, Risks, and Best Practices. Retrieved June 5, 2018, from https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4103576/

Scholarly Articles

APA format
• comes from a professional, peer-reviewed publication (e.g., a journal or a government report such as from the FDA or CDC);

• contains references for sources cited, so you can find the original source of information;

• is written by a professional or scholar in the field and indicates credentials of the author(s); and

• is no more than 5 years old Nothing older than 2014

Media interventions can be defined as organized and purposive activities that utilize a significant number of media channels to inform, persuade, or motivate populations to take the desired form of action towards a specific issue (Burke-Garcia & Scally, 2014). In the recent past, media interventions have been widely used to covey healthy related information including research evidence to the public, policymakers and health professionals. More importantly, media channels can be used to influence individual health behaviors (Ventola, 2014). For example, it has been found that media campaigns have been effective in decreasing tobacco intake, reducing alcohol and other drug abuse and influencing health services utilization.
Media can also influence how the public and policymakers view or think about certain issues through selecting some aspects of a perceived reality and making them more salient in a communicating text. In addition, social media can be used to shape public opinion on particular health matter, which in turn exerts pressure on the policymakers to respond. For instance, media advocacy is known as a popular strategy in public health that can assist in increasing public awareness and mobilize decision-makers for policy change (Burke-Garcia & Scally, 2014).
In particular, Facebook helped me to post a dissertation that was meant to create awareness of the school roles in providing powerful leadership to help….Please click the Paypal icon below to purchase full solution for only $5