ICS Learn Formative Assessment 3 (40572/23) 7MER


In your recent online class, a fellow student suggested that there is a strong relationship between good employee relations and organisational performance. The student, Sarah, also hinted, it could lead to greater staff engagement and commitment too. What are your thoughts on this and what research exists which may support this argument? 


When it comes to employment, it’s a buyer’s market out there. For the past few years, the relationship between employers and employees has undergone a profound shift, now resembling freelancing much more, and focusing less of the latter’s time, energy and loyalty to the companies they work for. Indeed, senior executives have to spend more time considering the strategies required not only to attract new staff, but also retain them.

Everyone has job experiences that feel more like play, and ones where they couldn’t wait to get out, simply because they weren’t invested in the project or outcome.

This is where employee engagement comes in. It’s one thing to bring people on board, but what are the most effective employee engagement strategies?  How do we keep our people engaged, motivated, productive and happy? Let’s look at some of the best tips for employee engagement.

William Kahn (2015). The Ostrich Effect. Boston: said there are three elements that will let employees fell engaged:

  • Feel that their work was meaningful and made a difference
  • Feel valued, trusted and respected
  • Feel secure and self-confident

In other words, the more an employee feels part of a community, the more likely it is that they are engaged with what they do.

We often spend more time working than we do with our families, so it makes sense to consider all the features of the working environment. It’s not just all about the money: it’s how comfortable we feel where we work, how we feel around our colleagues, how we feel about the value of what we do. Notice we use ‘feel’ a lot: subjective impressions have as much (if not more) clout than our cool, objective opinions, when it comes to work.

The best strategies for employee engagement

1. Think “Bottom Up”, not “Top Down”We don’t build a house starting from the roof and working downwards, do we? Well, the same goes for companies. After all, our people ………………………………………………………………………………………………Please contact us to receive guidance, support and tutorial services on this assessment in full Customised to your expectations

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