Answer both of the following questions. You should allow 500 words for each answer.
1. You are writing a business paper for your line manager at work on effective Absence Management Methods and they have asked you to write a short literature review on the topic. Based on an industry that you work in or one that you know well, write a short literature review (of no more than 500 words) that reviews secondary data on effective Absence Management Methods.
Your line manager has asked that you look solely at journal articles and text books to do this.
2. Based upon the literature review that you have completed previously, construct a short critique of the text you have written in the 3rd person. This should provide an overview of the advantages and disadvantages of the research methods that have been adopted by the researchers who wrote the journal articles that you located. Your line manager has also asked if you can identify how the other research you have read and adopted could usefully be applied to your own organisation and what advantages it could bring.
Part 1: Absence Management Methods Literature Review
Gajda (2015) asserts that failing to understand the cause of high absenteeism may lead to the development of an insufficient course of action to deal with the issue. Employee absenteeism is the absence of staff of an entity in the workplace. As noted by Hayday et al. (2004), the employee absenteeism takes place when an employee fails to show up for work or leaves his current workplace which can be justified or not justified. The author further noted that there are two forms of absences which include planned and unplanned with the reasons for planned being annual leave (holiday, force majeure leave, parental leave), delegations and business trips. Nevertheless, even in such situations, it is incumbent upon the employee to inform the employer of their planned absence in advance. The reasons for unplanned absences include illness of relatives, critical family or administrative issues, accidents on the way to work and events out of employee control. It is evident that past literature has evaluated the issue of employee absenteeism in depth (Bennett, 2002). However, limited literature is available that explores the best practices in the management of employee absenteeism. Absence management can be identified as a continuous process implemented for mitigating the absenteeism levels. In a study by Dunn and Wilkinson (2002) targeting different companies that……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Please contact us to receive a customised assignment that aligns with your needs
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