ICS Learn CIPD Level 5 Developing Leadership & Management Skills 5LMS


Drawing on the literature and/or current organisational practice, write an essay where you should:
 Describe at least three interpretations (each) of the concepts of leadership and management.
 Explain and justify distinctions drawn between the concepts of leadership and management.
 Evaluate at least four different approaches for developing leaders and managers
 Provide at least five examples of how the L&D function can support leadership and management development
 Identifies at least four indicators of success for leadership and management development programmes
 Provide a rationale for at least three methods to ensure the success of leadership and management development programmes


Table of Contents

Introduction. 4

1.1 Leadership and Management Concepts Interpretations. 4

Leadership Concepts. 4

Leadership as a Process. 4

Leadership as Personality Traits of Leader. 5

Leadership as attributed by Followers. 5

Management Concepts. 6

1.2 Distinctions between the Leadership and Management Concepts. 8

2.1 Different Approaches for Developing Leaders and Managers. 10

Action Learning. 10

On-the-Job Training. 10

Secondment. 10

Coaching and Mentoring. 11

2.2 Role of L&D Function in Providing Leadership and Management Development. 12

Areas of Needs Assessment. 12

Designing and delivery of Learning Interventions. 12

Rewarding Desirable Behaviours and Attitudes. 13

Open Communication in Group Roles. 13

3.1. Indicators of Success for Leadership and Management Development Programs. 14

Improved Performance. 14

Higher Engagement. 14

Lower Staff Turnover. 14

3.2 Methods of Ensuring Success of Leadership and Management Development Programs. 16

Stakeholder Mapping. 16

Involving and using Contributions from Key Stakeholders. 16

Communicating Achievement of Success Indicators. 16

Conclusion. 17


In the contemporary business environment, the leadership and management concept is critical to the HR professionals as it dictates on the organisation operations, guiding the attainment of set goals and objectives and dictating the relationship with subordinates and all stakeholders. As noted by McCleskey (2014), suitable leadership and management development in an organisation is critical as it leads to improved performance and being part in external business environment growth. For instance, having a strong leadership implies improved innovativeness, exploitation of new ideas and developing new propositions meant for achieving holistic business growth. This is affirmed by Westerman et al. (2012) who had observed that strong leadership and management have a direct implication in unlocking the overall potential harbored by a workforce, harnessing their overall skills, generating ideas and essential knowledge to propel successful business productivity. The aim of this essay is to evaluate the best approach in leadership and management, best practice in ensuring ownership and success of development programs.

1.1 Leadership and Management Concepts Interpretations

Whilst the management and leadership concepts have mutually converging areas such as collaborative practice for organisation goals accomplishment, they significantly differ in the context of their primary functions. This is evidenced by Lambert and Sponem (2012) who pointed out that the primary management function is the maintenance of order and consistency through active planning, budgeting, organisation, staffing process and problem-solving. This is contrary to the primary leadership function which is involved in producing a movement and constructive or adaptive change. This is implemented through a series of processes and inclusive of directing the issues of vision, alignment, motivation and an active inspiration.

Leadership Concepts

Leadership as a Process

Leadership is identified as a process that is inclusive of strategies such as traits, styles, knowledge, and attributes of the different involved leaders. In this regard, Zhu et al. (2012) observed that leadership is a process with all group members being actively engaged and not a single individual at the helm of leadership. The organization that I am currently working, the leading telecom providers in the UAE, I have observed that the organisation leadership intends to achieve their objectives through followers’ motivations to attain their goals and maintenance of relationships and teamwork.

Leadership as Personality Traits of Leader

As noted by Walumbwa and Schaubroeck (2009), the trait concept is identified as a process involved in defining leadership which has been in existence since the start of the 20th century to the late 1940s. In this case, through leadership, leaders and managers lean towards motivation and guiding others to achieve set goals. This means pursuing initiatives and risks with a primary benefit of the entire organisation for overall success.  In my current organisation, the leadership is always interested in eliciting a direct influence to all followers and to maximize the overall efforts of others towards holistic attainment of their already set common goal. Figure 1: Hypothesized relationships provides more insights.

Leadership as attributed by Followers

For this concept, the focus is gravitating more to the followers instead of the leaders. Williams et al. (2012) observed that leadership concept is ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Please contact us to receive guidance, support and tutorial services on this assessment in full customised to your background and any other instructions

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