The Task:
You will produce a written report of 2400 words (+/- 10%) that critically assesses and evaluates your personal
leadership using Seven Leadership Mindsets Theory (vMEME) and all the types of leadership approaches and styles
it contains.
Critically analyse leadership problems and challenges through critical evaluation and appropriate application of theory
1. Critically evaluate how certain types of leadership/management styles differ depending on history, culture,
geographic life and conditions
2. Critically evaluate how certain types of leadership/management styles impact people performance,
3. Critically evaluate how certain types of leadership/management styles determine who will ‘follow and how’.
4. Critically evaluate your personal leadership capabilities and critically analyse the need for future development
Through application of Seven Leadership Mindsets Theory (vMEME) you will have a tool (and the skill) to critically
assess and evaluate all types of personal leadership theories and worldviews that include USA, UK, China, European
countries, India, Oman, GCC, African countries, etc. Leadership is different depending on the relevant mindset (life
conditions, how individuals adapt to successfully compete and socio-cultural elements). Inevitably leadership mindset
impacts everything in a company – strategy, people, performance, productivity, etc.
Instruction: Please answer all of the following questions:
A suggested structure for the written report would include the following: This assignment can be divided into three
equally weighted sections. These have been presented as three questions.
1. Create insight into your leadership style by answering questions about your personal leadership inside
your organisation. To enable critical assessment and analysis:
a. Identify within in your organisation the range of leadership mindsets. What evidence do you see in leaders
to underpin your assessment?
b. Give examples of leadership traits you may have observed in the organisation that typify the selected
leadership mindset
c. Apply the seven mindsets theory to your key members of your team at your work place (Do not mention
2. Having analysed your own leadership and others within your organisation produce a reflection assessing
your leadership capabilities and a plan for CPD development
a. Highlighting your areas of growth, strengths and improvements
b. Planning for present and future role taking into consideration everything you have read about leadership
2.1 After you have designed your CPD, answer:
c. To what extent is your own leadership style aligned and typical to that of your own organisation
d. How likely is your leadership style to be one that will support the organisation change to become a key leading
21st Century business?
3. Discuss how your understanding of ‘leadership’ has evolved as a result of the readings given in this unit.
Leadership Style Inside Organization
The concept of leadership is increasingly identified and judged in terms of the emerging and increasing complexities in global socio-economic and environmental risks and opportunities and focus on the sustainable development. This is in line with Hasle et al. (2012) who noted that modern leaders irrespective of whether they are in areas of politics, corporates and civil society have a fundamental obligation of acting within the context of a dynamic system of global pressures and trends. In this case, to identify the best leadership style inside an organization, it is ideal to focus on issues of universal traits of good leaders, viewing them in different gender and generations and identifying the role of globalization in changing leader’s perspectives and ideal competencies.
Range of Leadership Mindsets in Organization
To be in a position of surviving in the changing and expanding dynamics of leadership, an individual must gain ideal mindset. The leader mindset profile offers a comprehensive overview of how a leader deals with and adapts to complexities and change. As noted by Chen and Miller (2011) an individual mindset affects a person leadership style similar to other personality traits or characters. In my active practice as a regional operation manager in Public Authority for Electricity and Water leaders significantly adopts the fixed and growth mindsets. In my organization, I have noted that these mindsets have a direct implication on how they lead their life and in the extension of how followers are lead and the organization path of progress. In a study by Chase (2010)., leaders/people possessing a fixed mindset feels a compelling need of proving themselves continuously. This is due to their intelligence levels, skills, and aptitudes. Additionally, our organization leaders fixed personality, and moral character cannot be adjusted or expanded even in time of changing dynamics in global leadership arena. On the other hand, the growth mindset in my organization scopes from intelligence, skills, or aptitude is critical as a point of departure. These are viewed as aspects that can be strategically cultivated through work and experience. I have noted that leaders in my organization leadership extend towards the scope of personality and moral characters. They are always willing to pursue new projects and also a source for innovations that can facilitate team’s or organizations capability in delivering benefits and value. Also, in training people, leaders in my organization are more willing in investing resources to increase their employee’s skills and intelligence.
Leadership Traits Examples
One of the leadership traits is understanding their default mindset that is best for their team or managers by being systemic thinkers. Through acknowledging on the ideal mindset, they are in a position of actively considering the mindset of their key managers and employees and how the mindset affects their direct reports. Additionally, leaders in my organization always leverage the ability to ensure their mission is accomplished by being open-minded. Their practice is always characterized by leading an innovative organization by sourcing new knowledge and diverse opinions and willing for being challenged. The growth-minded managers and team leaders are always trusted in taking innovative projects and solving current issues upon their arise. As noted by Hill et al. (2012) this is a significant aspect of any organization leadership as the majority of the leaders fails in embracing novelty or progressing learning mentality. Additionally, leaders in my organization are always action oriented. This includes aligning the organization mission and vision through movement. In any event, the line of work demands innovation and new products, they always assess the level of innovation, skills and knowledge development and later putting resources to actualize it in navigating from complexities. All people in my organization always feel more empowered and valued when they develop feelings of being liked and appreciated in the organization.
The last leadership trait is a willingness in cultivating learning, growth, and experience. This is through thinking long-term, being inclusive and globally conscious. Even in an event innovation is not a top priority in the organization, this is not an indication that they cannot adopt opportunities for others to grow in their niche. For instance, in Public Authority for Electricity and Water, the leadership has chosen brown bag launches, shadow programs and short presentations for assisting their employees and other people in learning how best to work collaboratively. This is topped up with the leaders being young, ambitious and idea-driven. This is through having a common resolve of driving significant business value when adopting a strategic approach to social and environmental sustainability.
Seven Mindsets Theory One of the significant theory that demonstrates a personal leadership includes seven leadership mindsets theory (Vmeme) (OAM, 2017). This includes evidence accumulation, practice……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….Please contact us to receive guidance and support on this assessment based on your company of work and experience
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