Crisis Management and Defining Strategies and Strategic Interests: You are now charged with answering the following questions posed by high-ranking UAE leaders and developing an effective strategy to a) diffuse the crisis; b) protect the UAE’s core interest; and c) thwart any threats to the UAE and its interests from either India or Pakistan.
- What is the history of the relationship between India and the UAE on the one hand, and Pakistan and the UAE on the other? What are the UAE’s major strategic interests? Are they economic, military, humanitarian and/or political?
- Which UAE interests are threatened (short and long-term) by Pakistan’s invasion and India’s counterattack? This is a continuation of Question 1 and you need to explain not only which interests are threatened but how they are threatened and why.
- What can the UAE do to influence events and bring a resolution to the crisis? Consider all options: military, economic, diplomatic. Evaluate how much leverage the UAE has on its own vis-à-vis both Pakistan and India? Does it have more leverage with one than the other? Why?
- Continuing from Question 3, would it be advisable for the UAE to act on its own or in concert with other states in attempts to diffuse the crisis? Would that take the form of working with individual states or an alliance system of some sort? Do you advise the UAE to work with regional actors only or with international powers? Which option would you choose and why?
- If the UAE had to choose sides in the conflict which country offers the best strategic option for the UAE? You need to take into consideration the geopolitical landscape of the crisis in order to answer this question. Will the conflict potentially draw in other states and/or parties? How could this complicate the UAE’s position? How will this decision protect core UAE interest? You need to remember that an alliance with one or the other power will have major ramifications and should only be formed after carefully weighing the strategic interests and core national security objectives of your country.
In terms of length and style, the answers to each question should range from 300-400 words. The entire strategy paper should be approximately 1,500 to 2,000 words.
UAE International Relations with Pakistan and India
The international relations between Pakistan and UAE can be traced back from 1971 as Pakistan was the first to recognize UAE as a country after British colonizers vacated the country (Hellyer, 2001). To this end, Pakistan and UAE have enjoyed an extremely close and mutual relations established on deep-rooted cultural affinities and subtle foreign policies. They also share religious belief and traditions with their geographic proximity and interests being unified and shared in different fields. As noted by Ahmed and Bhatnagar (2010), UAE strategic interests in Pakistan range from military, community policing, health and education. The peaceful cooperation’s between them is evident from the frequent bilateral consultation and agreements. These are stimulated by the fact that they are both Islamic countries.
India and UAE currently leverage from yielding bonds of friendship. The cordial relationship between the two nations is hedged on many years of consistent collaboration in culture, religion and economic ties for many years. To affirm this analogy, Pradhan (2010) pointed out that the UAE and India historical ties have seen approximately 3 million economic migrant workers from India into UAE. Indians are the dominant ethnic community in UAE comprising of 27.5% of the overall UAE populations. The fundamental UAE interests in her relationship with India are founded on trade, investment and energy and security. Currently, security is an essential element in cementing their current bilateral agreements and engagements. For instance, both countries security advisors often meet to identify key central points of mutual interests that they can benefit from each other strengths. This includes counter-terrorism, solving political and religion disputes and training and information sharing between both countries militaries.
Considering the relationship between UAE and Pakistan visa Vis the UAE relationship with India, it is a fact that UAE strategic interests are more conserved in the latter. Additionally, the current tense relationship between India and Pakistan with claims of Indian government working to destabilize Pakistan makes UAE in a hard and rock position on the side to lean to. In this essence, for UAE to move beyond the tag of an affluent oil company that attracts Western indulgence and becomes an economic hub and a significant actor in the region, they must have strong formal alliances structures with their neighboring nations.
UAE Interests under Threat by Pakistan’s Invasion and India’s Counter Attack
As aforementioned, the UAE foreign relations and policies with Pakistan are based on mutual gain in military, police, and security intelligence sharing (FirstPost, 2015). Additionally, the international engagements with India border from political, religious, economic and security areas. For instance, UAE is responsible for the storage and security of approximately 6 million barrels of oil at Mangalore in India. In this case, Pakistan invasion and counter attack by India will affect their ties in defense, trade and maritime cooperation and energy. In regard to defense, Pakistan and UAE have been strong allies for decades………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..Please contact our team to receive further guidance and support on this assessment in full
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