Conflicts- This is defined in Personnel today (2012) as the internal misunderstanding or disagreement occurring between the colleagues/leaders. The outcome of these disagreement is lack of cohesion and workplace collaboration.
Misbehaviours- According to CIPD (2020), misbehaviours entail intentional actions by organisation members violating the main organisational and/or societal norms.
The examples of the employees conflicts include bullying, discrimination and harassments an...
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(Solution) 5HR01 An explanation of the skills required for effective grievance and discipline-handling procedures. (AC 3.3)
Effective grievance handling procedures are very important to organisations. To begin with, they foster a conducive work environment in which all employees are satisfied with the way their issues are dealt with. As a result, organisational productivity and performance is enhanced.
Secondly, effective handling of grievances helps managers in framing policies that are accepted by all employees. This is because employees know that the management has their interests at heart and eff...
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(Solution) 5HR01 An analysis of the key causes of employee grievances. (AC 3.2)
Employee grievance is defined as the discontentment felt and expressed by employees towards managers or employers. It results from gaps between employee expectations and what the employer gives (PeopleHum Technology Inc., 2022). Grievances arise due to various factors, which include unfair/unfavourable employment terms or conditions; harassment/bullying in the workplace, occupational hazards, and change in working practices (CIPD, 2022). Unfairness may be perceived in pay packages, ...
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(Solution) 5HR01 An explanation of the principles of legislation relating to unfair dismissal in respect of capability and misconduct issues. (AC 3.1)
In the UK, the law is very clear regarding grounds on which employers may dismiss employees. The law outlines five reasons for which dismissal is accepted as fair: contravening statutory obligations, misconduct, redundancy, lack of capability, and any other reason that is deemed substantial (CIPD, 2022). Whatever the reason, employers must be careful enough to ascertain the facts and explore all other alternatives before coming to the conclusion that dismissal is the only option.
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(Solution) 5HR01 An explanation of the concept of better working lives and how this can be designed (AC1.5)
The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development-CIPD- states its principal purpose as championing better working lives for all by enhancing people practices so that individuals, societies and the economy as a whole benefits. According to the CIPD (2019), the concept of better working lives has even dimensions. In other words, there are seven perspectives from which job quality may be assessed. These are pay and benefits; contracts; job design; work-life balance; work relationships; health ...
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(Solution) 5HR01 A critical evaluation of the interrelationships between employee voice and organisational performance (AC 1.4)
From the reviewed literature, it is clear that employee voice is directly related to organisation performance. For instance, Badru et al. (2022) argued that an increased employee voice contribute to an increased effectiveness of organisation performance. To support this, the aspect of high-Performance Work Practices (HPWP) was introduced by Fiedler et al. (2021) informed the level in which inform the level of employee voice contributing to employees being able to leverage on feeling valued, hig...
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(Solution) 5HR01 An assessment of a range of employee voice tools and approaches to drive employee engagement. (1.3)
SolutionOnline surveys To collect feedback and views from employees, organisations may make use of online surveys. Here, employees will be asked questions about their thoughts and perceptions regarding their employer as well as how their working lives are. In most cases, online surveys involve open-ended questions (Miller, 2020). Pros Employee surveys, in general, offer a number of advantages that include low cost, straightforwardness, ability to customise as per the issue at hand, and ease of ...
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(Solution) 5HR01 An explanation and evaluation covering the differences between employee involvement and employee participation and how it builds relationships. (AC 1.2)
Employee involvement and employee participation are complementary concepts where one cannot exist outside of the other. Both are highly useful in effective people management. They foster environment where employees exert continual influence on actions as well as decisions affecting their work. However, the two differ in that employee participation entails teamwork as employees co-work towards a common goal while employee involvement is less about team work and more about direct comm...
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(Solution) 5HR01 A review of emerging development to inform approaches to employee voice and engagement . (AC 1.1)
Employee voice is defined in CIPD (2022) as the opportunity offered to employees in order to express themselves (views, opinions, issues faced and make suggestions). This lead to a direct impact and influence on decisions made in the organisation. Employee voice is diverse and include using diverse channels for leadership support. In this process, people practice professionals are tasked with role of policy development and initiatives which embed employee voice in an organisation culture and jo...
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(Solution) Discuss processes for consulting and engaging with internal customers to understand their needs (3.3)
Communication Strategy
For the identified project of introducing 4-days’ work imply people practice professionals ensuring awareness is created among all stakeholders. According to Kim (2022) an evaluation of entire issues would be based on appropriate feedback obtained as they are interacting. This is intended to capitalise on verbal a non-verbal characteristic for communication strategy. For Saudi Aramco, prioritising on staff diversity would include using focus groups, q...
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