Case #5 - Fonderia Di Torino S.P.A
Questions for Case Preparation.
The following questions will help you in the preparation and analysis of this case. Use these questions as a guide in your study of the case. However, do not limit yourselves to these questions only, but rather allow yourselves to expand your thinking and analysis of this case.
Please assess the economic benefits of acquiring the Vulcan Mold-Maker machine. What is the initial outla...
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Blake Sports Apparel and Switch Activeweak: Bringing the Executive Team Together
Did Barker have the right people in the right roles on the executive teams? If not, what should be changed?
As evidenced in the case study, the executive members had been identified as passionate, entrepreneurial, knowledgeable, competent, self-motivated and dedicated. This is while being super-talented in all their roles, passion-oriented and loyal to the organisation. This is affirmed by Arcot and Gröschl (2019) which note that the determinants of executive teams being appropriate...
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Case #3, Ethics After an oil Spill
Case #3, Ethics After an oil Spill
Question 1: Motivation of the Company Decision to offer the community $5,000 to hire its own expert? Why community was insulted and recommendations as a company local manager
As an ethical best practice, organisations operating in different sectors must appreciate wrong doing and own up to their mistakes. To support this, Yang (2017) which had focused on a similar phenomenon of China oil spills core findings were obtained. The report found that there is ...
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Case Study: Fujitsu: Co- Creating Digital Business Assignment Questions
Case Study: Fujitsu: Co- Creating Digital Business
Assignment Questions
Environment Fujitsu Operate In
Fujitsu operates in a business environment which is characterised by high-level competitiveness. Their headquarters being in Japan, the organisation operate in the sector that focus on development of ICT products, solutions and services. Also, operating in more than 100 countries, a specific country environment cannot be used to identify the environment in which the organisation ope...
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Case#2, HR Decision Part A: How should we live?
Case#2, HR Decision
Part A: How should we live?
Question 1: Responsibility of HR Manager for paying equally qualified employees
Globally, the issue of pay equity has been a significant issue in contemporary business environment. Specifically, in the current COVID-19 pandemic, Huq (2021) note that there has been an increased issue of pay equity for employees with similar qualifications. Further, in different jurisdictions, the Equality Acts and roles of trade unions inform on the need f...
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When Good People do Bad Things at work: Rote Behaviour, Distractions, and Moral Exclusion Stymie Ethical Behavior on the Job
This report focuses on evaluating the concept of why good people do bad things in the workplace. The assumption made in the article by Moberg (1999) is founded on the assumption that good individuals strive in doing the right thing. This is by appreciating their practices and outcomes. The process is dependent on the awareness of the rights of others and acting in a manner of consistency with the manner they are treating others. This is supported by Zhang et al. (2020) which hig...
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CSR Interview Questions
CSR Interview Questions
In this report, the organisation of focus is the Bank Albilad which was established by Royal Decree in 2004 with a total start-up capital of 6 billion Saudi Riyals. Over the years, the organisations has been increasing its capital through offering free shares to different shareholders. They are actively involved in provision of different banking solutions ranging from banking of products and services, corporate and business products, investment product...
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Individual Technological Innovation Analysis
Individual Technological Innovation Analysis
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction. 2
2.0 Selected Technology Innovation. 2
2.1 Identification of Technology Innovation. 2
2.2 Description of the Technology. 3
2.3 The source of the Technology. 3
2.4 Leading the Commercialisation process. 3
2.5 Early Adopters. 4
3.0 Key challenges faced in the Technology. 4
4.0 Conclusion. 5
References. 6
1.0 Introduction
A technology innovation is defined as a new/improved prod...
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The Impact of the Organisation Structure and Culture on Employee’s Performance
The Impact of the Organisation Structure and Culture on Employee’s Performance
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction. 3
2.0 Overview of Organisation Structure. 3
2.1 Definition of Organisational Structure. 3
2.2 Theories of Organisational Structure. 3
2.2.1 Classical Organisational Theory. 3
2.2.2 Neoclassical Organisation Theory. 4
3.0 Overview of Organisation Culture. 4
3.1 Definition of Organisation Culture. 4
3.2 Theories of Organisation Culture. 4
3.2.1 Edgar ...
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ACC 530: Corporate Governance, Ethics and Social Responsibility Reflective Essay
ACC 530: Corporate Governance, Ethics and Social Responsibility
Reflective Essay
While working in this entire course, a reflection in the outcomes obtained is evidence that I have managed to acquire immense insights which have been instrumental to my success in the entire course. The main areas of my success include the insights gained which are relevant for a leader success in their roles and the society at large. This is particularly reflected in the insights which I have acquired o...
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