Activity 1 (AC 3.2, 3.3)
(This is an activity you need to complete in order to successfully complete
Part 2, so there is no word count allocation for this)
Within different L&D activities, select and apply at least 2 strategies for engaging
learners (e.g. enabling learners to see relevance of learning; encouraging
learner choice & responsibility; agreeing ‘learning contracts’; using a variety of
learning methods to meet different needs and preferences; taking creative...
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Advanced Practitioner Corporate Award 4 APDP
This assessment tests the learning outcomes and module content of:
Module: Developing People in Procurement and Supply Chain Management
Module: Implementing Change in Procurement and Supply Chain Management
You have been asked to lead the project team to implement a new category management strategy.
Prepare a report that demonstrates how you would approach the change, ensuring that you and your team
have the appropriate skills to successfully implement it.
Table of ...
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Assessment 4 (40572/07) 7LMP
Assessment 4 (40572/07) 7LMP
Question 1
Increasing the spending on People Management Initiatives
Starting form CIPD (2020) report focusing on rationale of investment in skills, the report has highlighted on the relevance of increasing the overall spend of investment on people management. The study highlighted that the most successful organisations have made 70% of their investment on people management. In an earlier publication in CIPD (2012), the people management initiatives...
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Assessment 3 (40572/06) 7LMP
Assessment 3 (40572/06) 7LMP
Question 1: Diagnosis of the major problem areas
Management of a team of employees is not an easier undertaking with the hospitality industry being an extremely daunting task. As noted in SiteMinder (2020), the hotel sector is characterised with a high-level employee turnover to approximately 50% which is identified as being the highest in all sectors globally. As a consequence of this attrition, it is a significant challenge maintaining consistency in...
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Assessment 2 (40572/05) 7LMP
Question 1
Different ways introduction of new technologies in workplace help easing stress among employees and ways they increase stress
As noted in CIPD (2020), from the development of an automated production to wireless communication, technology has critically influenced the way people work. For instance, in the current COVID-19 pandemic, this has significantly increased the demand for organisations technology optimisation in the use of technology for fostering productivity ...
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Assessment 1 (40572/04) 7LMP
Question 1
Practical Steps taken to increase levels of trust and employee engagement at Snap-a-Dap
As noted in CIPD (2018), the process of trust is established through putting in place an open, friendly and accommodating practice. The report indicate that recognition of the employees assists the employees in improving their engagement and also assisting building of trust. In the case of Snap-a-Dap organisation operations, it had been characterised by a declined performance owin...
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CIPS Advanced Practitioner Corporate Award (APCM)
You are required to select an example of a category of procurement or a product, service or works bought by
your organisation and create a category plan. This should include an implementation plan which also
identifies the challenges in implementing your plan and your strategies for mitigating the challenges.
Executive Summary
Category planning is an undertaking where category plans are developed in alignment with the customer's business objectives with a strategi...
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5CHR Business Issues and the Contexts of Human Resources Formative Assessment
Table of Contents
1.0 Introduction. 3
2.0 External Factors Impacting on Business and Approaches Selected. 3
3.0 HR Function Role in Supporting Merging Process. 5
4.0 Organisation Strategy Development 7
5.0 Ethical Issues to be Put into Consideration. 8
6.0 Conclusion. 8
References. 9
1.0 Introduction
In the modern HR function, people professionals involved in this area are engaged in assisting an organisation in delivering its corporate strate...
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7HRC Human Resource Management in Context CIPD Advanced Level Examinations
Answer all of Section A.
Answer five questions in Section B (one per subsection A to E).
Read each question carefully before answering.
Equal marks are allocated to each section of the paper.
Within Section B equal marks are allocated to each question.
If a question includes reference to ‘your organisation’, this may be interpreted as covering any organisation with which you are familiar.
The case study is not based on an actua...
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Pearson BTEC Level 7 Strategic Change Management Assignment Assessment
Assignment Task 1: Read the following Scenario and prepare a report with the guidelines provided.
Scenario: Learners select an organisation and develop a model for change, incorporating issues related to strategic change in that organisation. They need to show how they will lead stakeholders in developing a strategy for change and how they plan to implement the chosen model for change. The report needs to start with an introduction to the background of change.
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