Formative Assessment 1 Managing Employment Relations

Question You have just started a new online course on managing employee relations at your local college. Your line manager has asked you to come up with a short report and summary on the different theories and perspectives on employee relations. In your answer, you may want to consider some reference to prevalent HR journal articles or real-life examples from your workplace Solution The workforce is a critical part of the organisation. Notably, employees require a supportive working env...
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(Solution) 5ICM Implementing Coaching and Mentoring Assessment

Question: Assessment brief/activity You have been asked by an organisation which has recently diversified its business to help with the implementation of a coaching and mentoring programme. You have been asked to provide a brief to the executive team on current thinking around coaching and mentoring and some early ideas on how you might support them with implementing a robust programme of coaching and mentoring that meets their current and changing business needs. You have met with the HR de...
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STRM043 Competitive Strategy and Innovation General Electric Case Study

Question: Assessment Task In what ways has Jeff Immelt redirected the strategy of GE?              (25%) To what extent is the strategy aligned with The requirements of the 21st century business environment? GE’s resources & capabilities?                                                  (30%) What organisational changes has the new strategy necessitated? Will GE be able to successfully execute the new strategy?                                     (20%) What alter...
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5IVP Improving organisational performance Assessment

Solution/Answer: This evidence-based brief entails a business report for introducing a high-performance working (HPW) practices into an organisation. The structure of the report follows a brief analysis of the HPW, performance management cycle, and recommendations for creating a sustainable high-performance culture. HPO and HPWO 1.1 Analysis of the Concept and Components to HPW High-Performance Working (HPW) refers to a holistic approach in organisational management that purpose to sti...
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Unit 5004 – Practices of resource management

Solution Re: A.C.1.1 Resources required for achieving Objectives   As a departmental manager, the different objectives to be achieved by the medium sized IT Company include; To raise sales by 10% percent and profit by 15% percent in two years’ time. Enhance customer satisfaction level by 20% by the end of 2018 determined by customer satisfaction surveys. Increase the level of individuals who visit our site to (40%) before the month's over of March-2018. React every day to ...
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3PRM F306A/3 Supporting Good Practice in Performance and Reward Management

Solution/Answer Part 1 1.1 Purpose of Performance Management and Relationship to Business Objectives Employees competencies and performance- Through an active performance management, all employees learning needs are evidenced. This feedback is applied as a guide to improving learning development practices of the employees and to create fresh goals and objectives. By foster of the skill and competencies, pursuing various goals become easier. SMART Organisation objectives and alignment to emplo...
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3MER F305A Supporting Good Practice in Managing Employment Relations

Introduction There is a significant transformation in the HR professional. Traditional HR involved recruitment and policy development. Presently, there is a shift in focus to include employee engagement and performance management. Employee relations, according to CIPD (2020a), involves the relationship between employees and employers. In contemporary organisations, employee relations are concerned with both collective and individual relationships in the workplace. This report entails an eval...
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3HRC F302A HR Understanding Organisations and the Role of Human Resources

Solution/Answer Background of the Selected Organisation The selected organisation is the Gulf international Bank of   Saudi Arabia (GIB). The bank has been operating in Saudi Arabia since 2000 and as a subsidiary of Gulf International Bank based in Bahrain (GIB, 2019). It is owned by the Public Investment Fund of Saudi Arabia (PIF) and GIB Bah. A briefing report to a new manager focusing on GIB to be provided to a new manager due to start working in the organisation shortly has been generate...
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5CHR Report for the board about how HR supports the organisation

Solution The Developing Role of HR within Present Day Business Background In the modern business environment with an increased change, understanding different issues and contexts of HR is important to leverage on competitive advantage. In this case, this assessment focuses on evaluating the contemporary business environment issues, internal issues that affect HR function, and the most appropriate strategy to regulate the HR function. Additionally, the role of data in informing on an org...
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(Solution) ACACIA LEARNING CIPD Level 5 HRM Employee Engagement (5ENG)

Solution Meaning, Principal Dimensions and Components of Employment Engagement Adopting the definition of Macey and Schneider (2008), the employee engagement is a combination of commitment to the organization and its values and a willingness to assist out colleagues (organizational citizenship). The process scope beyond job satisfaction rather than only the motivation of the employees. In this case, the outcomes of engagement include performance, employee/employer brand, motivation/commi...
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