Evaluate the monitoring and control of finance employed in support of organizational activities
Monitoring and control of finance employed is as important as the planning, acquisition and utilization. Organizational priorities stem from the overall vision and mission of the organization and travel down […]
Evaluate the distribution of finance in support of organizational activities
The distribution of finance or allocation of resources is a policy decision that covers operational (short term) and investing and financing (long term) needs of the business organization. The objective […]
Define the current and potential sources of finance that support organizational objectives
An organization needs financial resources to run the operations. These resources form different types ranging from internal to external and then come in many kinds. The type of source of […]
Solution Identify conflicts that can occur with management control systems and how these could be resolved or minimized
Since budgetary process involves entire organization and its functions, conflicts often arise among different functions. The objective of budgeting is not to get functions work in isolation. Rather budget should […]
Solution Discuss corrective actions to be taken in response to budgetary variations
Building on the example of XYZ Company in task A.C.2.2 the management will now look for reasons that lead to unfavorable variance. One of the following could be the reason: […]
Develop budgetary control systems comparing actual with planned expenditure
The below variance analysis shows that to produce 46 500 concrete blocks XYZ Company over spent AED 52 250 on labor cost or 7% overall. A further analysis by block […]
Construct a budget for an area of management responsibility
Budget is a short term tool that is a reflection of management’s longer term goals translated into more actionable or operational activities. Typically budgetary cycles are annual. The purpose of […]
Analyze financial information contained in a set of accounts or financial statements
Following set of financial statements is used to analyze the financial information: ABC Company Limited Profit & loss account For the year ended Dec 31, 2016 Pounds Sales 613 […]
Describe the systems of accounts and financial statements used to control a financial system
System of accounts: The best way to describe the system of accounts is to understand what it does and what purpose it serves. Accounting is an art of: RECORDING the […]