(Solution) CIPD 5HR03 legislative requirements that impact reward practice. (AC 2.4)

Solution Equality Act 2010 Equality Act 2010 can apply to reward practices in order to prevent any form of discrimination when rewarding people. By law, employers are required not to pay or reward employees less or offer them employment terms and conditions that disadvantage them because of their sexual orientation, disability, gender, race and other protected characteristics (Acas, 2023). Equality Act 2010 also covers the equal pay law that outlines how men and women should be paid. For ...
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(Solution) CIPD 5HR03 how to develop organisational reward packages and approaches based on insight. (AC 2.3)

Solution Benchmarking data can help Body Image to create an effective reward package for different job roles within the workplace. However, development a better reward package need to include key elements such as job evaluation, pay structure, correct levelling of jobs and ensuring fairness. Job evaluation The first step in developing a reward package is to determine the size and relative value of each job role. The purpose of job evaluation is to identify different jobs, rank them and...
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(Solution) CIPD 5HR03 appropriate ways in which benchmarking data can be gathered and measured to develop insight. (AC 2.2)

Solution Benchmarking is a process of gathering data from different organisations and use it to make comparisons for better pay decisions (Murphy and Sandino, 2020). Benchmarking can provide Body Image with the data about training budgets, holiday entitlements, overtime payments, graduate starting salaries and wage rates. Difference ways this data can be gathered are: Published data Published data from government institutions, Acas and similar organisations can provide Body Image with ...
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(Solution) CIPD 5HR03 business context of the reward environment. (AC 2.1)

Solution A PESTLE analysis tool seeks to understand various external environment factors that impact reward practices. These factors include economic change, sociological and technological development. Economic factors The economy of a country is characterised with economic growth/decline, interest rates, inflation and unemployment rates (Battista, 2021). Changes in economy has influence on the ability of organisations to generate revenue and make profits. For example declining economi...
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(Solution) CIPD 5HR03 contribution of extrinsic and intrinsic rewards to improving employee contribution and sustained organisational performance. (AC 1.5)

Solution Rewards are extrinsic when they are earned from the outcome of a job or performance, for example, salary, promotion and bonuses (Malek et al., 2020). These reward are tangible and contributes to employees by helping them to meet their physiological needs and motivation. When we talk about extrinsic rewards, employees are more concerned with money as a form of motivation for their efforts. They are very important in employee lives and their standards of living. Maslow hierarchy o...
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(Solution) CIPD 5HR03 different types of benefits offered by organisations and the merits of each that might be applied to Body Image. (AC 1.4)

Solution Employee benefits are forms of rewards that employee receive, but not in cash. The cash is catered by the employer, meaning the organisation will incur the costs (Cotton, 2022). Car allowances – Body Image may provide car allowance when the job needs it or to recognise employee job status (Cotton, 2022). The merits of car allowance include saving employee travelling costs, fuel costs and maintenance costs. It is the company that can incur all these costs and not the employee....
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(Solution) CIPD 5HR03 how people and organisational performance can impact on the approach to reward. (AC 1.3)

Solution People performance is the ability of employees to complete their duties and responsibilities as required by their employer. Organisational performance is the ability of an organisation to achieve its goals and objectives (Anwar and Abdullah, 2021). People performance can be measured through the time taken to complete a project successfully and ability to produce high quality goods and services. On the other hand, organisational performance is measured using key metrics such as p...
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(Solution) CIPD 5HR03 how reward policy initiatives and practices are implemented. (AC 1.2)

Solution Reward policy initiatives are guidelines that help organisation to design and implement fair, transparent and equal rewards (Jin et al., 2020). Examples of reward policies within Body Image could be total reward policy and achieving equal pay. Implementing these policies will require a number of steps: Assessing the current policy initiatives – The first step in implementing a reward policy is to start by assessing the current policies available at Body Image. Body Image HR c...
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(Solution) CIPD 5HR03 importance to organisational culture and performance management (AC1.1)

Solution Importance to culture Principles of rewards impacts organisational culture by setting positive behaviours and attitudes within the organisation. If Body Image wants to create an innovative culture, then it will need to reward employees for their creative ideas. This has positive culture that is crucial for keeping employees. Reward designed around principles of rewards can connect employees to organisational purpose because they help to integrate values and ethos into culture...
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(Solution) CIPD 5HR03 principles of reward and its importance to organisational culture and performance management. (AC 1.1)

Solution Principles of rewards are approaches that Body Image can take to deal with reward practices and process. They are basis for effective reward policies and provide organisations with guidelines for decisions related to rewards. Function consistently – Reward decisions do not vary arbitrarily and without due cause between different employees. Transparency – Reward practices and processes should be communicated to stakeholders affected (SimanTov-Nachlieli and Bamberger, 2021)....
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