Utilitarianism Utilitarianism theory is based on the idea that decision makers should anticipate or predict the impacts and consequences of decisions (Häyry, 2021). To a utilitarian manager, the decision that produces the greatest benefit is the one considered ethically correct. When the HR manager wants to introduce performance-related pay reward system, he work ask, how does the decision impact everyone affected? If the decision benefits majority, then it is ethically correct. But...
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(Solution) CIPD 5C002 Range of decision-making processes. (AC1.4)
De Bono’s 6 Thinking Hats
The six thinking hats in decision making gets individuals to look to a workplace problem or people practice issue in six different ways (Gill-Simmen, 2020). The table below shows the six hats:
HatsExplanationBlueControl the discussion, cheer and manage the situationWhiteInformation gatheringGreenCreative thinking, explore innovative ideasYellowConsider merits of ideas from the green hatRedIntuitive, express feelings lie dislikes and fearsBlackAssess r...
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(Solution) CIPD 5C002 Principles of critical thinking including how you apply these to your own and others’ ideas. (AC1.3)
Critical thinking
Critical thinking involves thinking clearly and rationally, analysing facts and arguments and understanding logical between ideas (Elder and Paul, 2020). According to CIPD Profession Map, people professionals have core knowledge such as evidence-based practice and people practice. For this reason, people professionals need critical thinking to appraise evidence and select the best possible evidence to make a decision. They also need critical thinking to avoid ma...
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(Solution) CIPD 5C002 analysis tools and methods including how they can be applied to diagnose organisational issues, challenges and opportunities. (AC1.2)
PESTLE analysis toolPESTLE analysis tool is used to scan external factors such as political, economic, sociological, technology and legislations (Battista, 2021). Organisation would want to understand the risk associated with political environment. For example, political instability scare aware investors and many contribute to economic decline, but political stability bring new investment opportunities. Furthermore, employer would want to understand how new legislations like equal p...
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(Solution) 5C002 evaluation of the concept of evidence-based practice and assess how evidence-based practice approaches (AC 1.1)
Type here… Evidence-based practice As defined by Young (2022), evidence-based practice refer to the concept of making informed decisions by combining the best available evidence with critical thinking. CIPD Profession Map states that people professionals should be evidence-based. This means using evidence from different sources such as organisational data, scientific literature, practitioner judgements and stakeholder concerns. However, in order to make better decisions using eviden...
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(Solution) CIPD 5C003 Reflect on the impact of your continuing professional development activities on own behaviour and performance (AC 3.4)
What CPD activity did I do?Why did I do it?What did I learning from it?I pursued a seminar virtually made in a period of 5 working days In the webinar, lecturers were listened to, answers to posed issues and team-based practiceI am acknowledging technologies for its core in contemporary entities. People practice professionals ought to appreciate technologies application in services provision I participated in various CPD initiativesI managed to gain appropriate ...
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(Solution) CIPD 5C003 Formulate a range of formal and/or informal continuing professional development (CPD) activities to support your learning journey (AC 3.3)
Development need identified from self-assessment gridsWhat formal or informal learning development will I undertake?What resources or support will I need?What will my success criteria be?Target for review and completionApplying an evidence-based initiative to input various engagements and responses to posed issuesSelf-based learning process Pursuing various conference and seminar Enrolling in various online-based initiativesUse of learning material Financ...
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(Solution) CIPD 5C003 Reflect on your own approach to working inclusively and building positive working relationships with others (AC 2.3)
Working in MNGHA, every start of the financial year, a 3 years strategy is often developed involving all the employees. In this plan, my input entail identifying all appropriate stakeholders through a Mendelow Tool analysis. I identify the appropriate stakeholders as including the management , directors, HR teams and external stakeholders who are consultants and the clients. From this, we have established the plan where all the employees interests are holistically managed and integrated ...
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(Solution) CIPD 5C003 human and business benefits of people feeling included, valued, and fairly treated at work linking to related theory (AC 2.1)
By embrace of an inclusive work practices, this ensure that all people despite of their characteristic/diversity are included in making decisions and initiating relevant interventions. For example, considering persistent organisation absenteeism, this can be noted to be elicited by issues such as overworking, poor work relations and people interests of achieving work-life balance (CIPD, 2022). An appropriate policy to manage the absenteeism issue in MNGHA has in the past involved a ...
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(Solution) CIPD 5C003 Recognise when and how you would raise matters which conflict with ethical values or legislation. (AC 1.4)
Today, the existing theories on conflict note that their occurrence is not evitable and occurring naturally. Hence, according to CIPD (2021), people practice professionals ought to use the provided knowledge and skills to manage the conflicts. Further, the people professionals face phenomenon contradictory to the existing legislations and policy which are raised by following the appropriate channels and approach.In the past, working in XXX organisation, there was a recruiting manage...
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