Task One – Policy Document
You are required to produce a policy document containing key legal aspects and their implications. This should be designed to sit on the company’s intranet and should be formal in style.
The policy document can be broken down into two sections:
Section 1
A review of emerging developments to inform approaches to employee voice and engagement (AC 1.1)
Differentiate between employee involvement and employee participation and how it builds relation...
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Acacia Learning 5HR01 Employment Relationship Management
You are required to produce a policy document containing key legal aspects and their implications. This should be designed to sit on the company’s intranet and should be formal in style.
The policy document can be broken down into two sections:
Section 1
A review of emerging developments to inform approaches to employee voice and engagement (AC 1.1)
Differentiate between employee involvement and employee participation and how it builds relationships (AC 1.2)
Assess a range of e...
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5HR01 Employment Relationship Management
You are required to produce a policy document containing key legal aspects and their implications. This should be designed to sit on the company’s intranet and should be formal in style.
The policy document can be broken down into two sections:
Section 1
A review of emerging developments to inform approaches to employee voice and engagement (AC 1.1)
Differentiate between employee involvement and employee participation and how it builds relationships (AC 1.2)
Assess a r...
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5CO02 Evidence-based practice Task two: Data analysis and review
By way of exemplifying the importance of decision-making strategies and how these can be used by people practitioners to solve people practice issues, your manager wants you to illustrate to the audience how the people professional department interprets different types of data to inform sound decision making. Completion of these two activities will address the following:
With reference to a people practice issue, interpret analytical data using appropriate analysis tools and methods...
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Acacia Learning 5CO02 Evidence-based practice
You have been asked to prepare a briefing paper that is to be given to people practitioners at a regional event, to share insights and good practice. The paper needs to provide understanding of approaches that can be taken to support effective critical thinking and decision-making within the HR remit.
Your Briefing Paper needs to:
provide an evaluation of the concept of evidence-based practice and assess how evidence- based practice approaches can ...
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5CO02 Evidence-based practice
You have been asked to prepare a briefing paper that is to be given to people practitioners at a regional event, to share insights and good practice. The paper needs to provide understanding of approaches that can be taken to support effective critical thinking and decision-making within the HR remit.
Your Briefing Paper needs to:
provide an evaluation of the concept of evidence-based practice and assess how evidence- based practice approaches can be used to support sound decision-m...
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5COO3 Briefing Document: Ethical Practice in Business
Introduction to Briefing Note
In this briefing note, an evaluation of the ethical practices in business through a focus on people professional has been an area of focus. As a best practice of organisation success, this note highlight on how different stakeholders are influenced by ethics in their different roles for overall organisation success.
Professional and requirements of a people professional
There are different aspects that note on the concept of a professional. These ...
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Unit No: 7012V1 – Strategic human resource planning
Task 1 – Answer (750 - 850 words)
A.C. 1.1 - Assess the strategic importance of current, future and anticipated HR requirements
A.C. 1.2 - Analyse how HR planning impacts on the strategic plan
Task 2 – Answer (700 - 800 words)
A.C. 2.1 - Evaluate the current legal requirements influencing a HR plan
A.C. 2.2 - Describe a process for recruitment and selection of new staff that complies with current legislation and organisation requirements
Task 3 – Answer (750 -850 word...
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CMI A.C. 1.3 – Evaluate the impact of a management information system (MIS) to an organisation
The impact of MIS is informed by the existence of a high-level of the interdependency of an entity business strategy to rules and procedures. This is in line with Laudon and Laudon (2015) definition that note the information system as interrelated components that work collaboratively in collecting, processing, storing and disseminating information. This is used in decision making, active coordination, control, analysis and an organisation visualisation. MIS is inclusive of input, proce...
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CMI A.C. 1.2 – Determine the criteria to be applied when selecting data and information to support decision making
In general practice, before selecting the data and information to be used in supporting decision making, environment scanning is essential. To achieve this, Choo (2001) four-mode model for environmental scanning can be used, which focuses on undirected viewing, enacting, conditioned viewing and searching. In the context of ABC case scenario, this model can be used in environment scanning (see figure 1).
Figure 1: Four Modes Model of Environmental Scanning
Source: Summarised ...
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