1.0 Project Approach
2.1 Project Purpose and Summary
This project is a 12-month program in an organisation in Saudi Arabia that intend to change their information technology and communication systems that have been in place since the early 1990s. The objectives would include the need to use data and information to implement a high-performance in the organisation. This project would also minimise the dissatisfaction in the organisation and communication failures leading to chall...
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HRM2SPR 5ODTB Part B Organisation Development
Origins of OD, leading towards contemporary definitions, learning theory ideas, psychological and behavioural science, social and organization learning, and organizational systems theory
Organisation development (OD) is a multifaceted concept with multiple definitions sharing common features despite of the varied meanings. Irrespective of the definition used, the OD has developed over the years to be identified as a critical practice that can be adopted in an entity for the sake...
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Historical and theoretical perspectives of organization design
Historical and theoretical perspectives of organization design, and explanation and comparison of organization design models
Historical and Theoretical Perspectives
According to CIPD (2019), organization design is a critical segment of what makes an organization successful, the HR’s capacity of influencing the activities and shaping the outcomes. This is a critical role of being an effective practitioner. According to Magalhães and Proper (2017), organization design has been ...
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HRM2SPR 5ODG Organisational Design Part B
1.2 Current Internal Organisational Context in terms of Key Influences on Business Strategy, and Measures of Organisational Performance
Organisation Type
As noted in CIPD (2019), the organization type is critical in establishing what makes an organization successful, the HR’s capability of influencing the activities and shaping the outcomes of services delivery. The different types of organisations is as shown in figure 1;
Figure 1: Types of Organisations and influ...
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5HRF Part B Managing and Co-ordinating the Human Resources Function
5HRF Part B
1.3 Business Justification for Managing HR in a Professional, Ethical and Just Manner
CIPD code of conduct provides a detailed description of the best practice in HR management in a professional, ethical, and just manner (CIPD, 2019a). This involves adherence to specific set values, purpose, and good practice aligned with their knowledge and behaviours. An example of working ethically and just include working with zero discrimination in areas of the diversity of emp...
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HRM2SPR 5DVC Developing Professional Practice Part C
5DVC Part C: Continuing Professional Development Record
Membership Number:
Covering the period from:
Key Dates
What did you do?
What did you learn from this?
How have/will you use this? Any further action?
Pursued the CIPD Level 5 course to achieve a certificate and also an individual empowerment based on CIPD qualifications
To be able to deliver knowledge and skills in a more effec...
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5UIN Using Information in Human Resources Employee Retention
Selected Topic: Evaluating the Impact of Total Reward System in Improving Employee Retention
Table of Contents
Executive Summary. 3
1.0 Introduction. 4
2.0 HR Area Selected and Reason of Choice. 4
3.0 Critical Review of Information Sources. 6
4.0 Research Process and Methods. 13
4.1 Summary of Key Stages of the Research Process. 13
4.1 Different Research Methods. 13
5.0 Conclusion and Recommendations. 14
5.1 Conclusions. 14
5.2 Recommendations. 14
References. 16
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5DER Summative Assessment on Contemporary Developments in Employment Relations
Table of Contents
Question 1: Factors Impacting on Employment Relations. 1
1.1 Difference between Labour and Labour Power 1
1.2 Differences between unitarism and pluralism and the implications for employment relations. 2
1.3 Examples of Factors Affecting Employment Relations. 3
Question 2: Employment Contract and Sources of Law.. 4
2.1 Meaning of contract of employment in reference to express and implied terms. 4
2.2 Institutions regulating labour market activity and two s...
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SHR044-6 Development and sustainability of an organisational culture to promote and support creativity and innovation
In this unit we consider many alternative approaches and perspectives on how organisational creativity and innovation might be promoted or blocked in practice across multiple levels: individual, group and organisation. Assignment 2 is specifically concerned with the development and sustainability of an organisational culture to promote and support creativity and innovation across the group and organisational levels of analysis.
You are required to critically evaluate g...
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