CIPD Level 5 Summative Assessment for Contemporary Developments in Employment Relations

Question Question 1 Provide a brief analysis of the indeterminacy of employment relations and an assessment of the factors which impact on employment relations. In your analysis, briefly compare and contrast unitarist and pluralist approaches. Question 2 Briefly critique the key features of the contract of employment. Identify the main sources of UK and EU employment relations law and include a brief summary of some of the main developments in individual and employment law. Q...
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5HRF Formative Assessment for Managing and Co-coordinating the Human Resource Function

Question In preparation for your summative assignment, write a short report with headings, sub headings and a Declaration sheet; You are a consultant advising a variety of organisations on how to set up their HR function. One of your clients was at a business dinner recently and was boasting about having a cutting-edge shared services HR function in response to which one of your other clients stated that they had changed the business model to one that was more flexible and dynamic taking a...
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5UIN Using Information in HR Formative Assessment Absence Management

Qestion You are writing a business paper for your line manager at work on effective Absence Management Methods and they have asked you to write a short literature review on the topic. Based on an industry that you work in or one that you know well, write a short literature review (of no more than 500 words) that reviews secondary data on effective Absence Management Methods. Your line manager has asked that you look solely at journal articles and text books to do this. Solution Part 1: Absen...
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Acacia Learning Developing Professional Practice (5DVP/01) Assessment

Question Task 1 Evaluate what it means to be an HR professional, making reference to the current CIPD Profession Map Task 2 Briefly describe the elements of group dynamics and give at least two examples of conflict resolution methods within an HR context Task 3 With reference to a recent or current project (large or small) which you have led (or been part of a project team) Task 4 Undertake a self-assessment of one area of your practice to identify your professional development needs i...
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Avado CIPD Level 5 Formative Assessment Requirements of an Effective and Efficient HR Professional

Question: You are the HR Officer in a retail organisation. There are 500 employees in the organisation, many of them working on a part-time basis. There have been a number of people-related issues in recent times which has meant that you have been busy with the following tasks: Supporting an employee who was attacked by a customer Recruiting 40 extra employees for the Christmas rush Putting in place a new performance management programme All has gone well, and everyone thinks that you di...
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CIPD AVADO 5LMS Developing Leadership & Management Skills Essay

Question 1.1 Describe a range of meanings attached to the concepts of leadership and management. 1.2 Justify distinctions drawn between leadership and management. 2.1 Evaluate a range of approaches for developing leaders and managers. 2.2 Discuss the role of the L&D function in providing leadership and management development. 3.1 Identify indicators of success for leadership and management development programmes. 3.2 Justify methods to ensure the success of leadership and man...
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CIPD Summative Assessment 5EML Employment Law

Solution Introduction Employment law is fundamental in the relationship between employees and employers. According to the Chartered Institute of Professional Development (CIPD), employment law is concerned with regulating this relationship with regards to what either parties can expect from the other (CIPD, 2020a). This report covers various aspects and types of employment law. 1.1 Aims and Objectives of Employment Regulation Employee protection Employment laws shield employees ...
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Avado Assessment Bank – HR Intermediate Level 5UIN – Using information in HR

Solution/Answer Report Title: Evaluation of Importance Total Reward System of Improving Employee Retention   Table of Contents Executive Summary. 3 1.0 Introduction. 4 2.0 Identifying an Area and Reason of Selection. 4 3.0 Selected Sources Critical Review.. 7 5.0 Summary of Research Process. 12 5.1 Key Stages in Research Process. 12 5.2 Research Methods- Advantages and Disadvantages. 13 6.0 Conclusion and Recommendations. 13 6.1 Conclusions. 13 6.2 Rec...
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CIPD Assessment Activity 4DEP Activity 3.5 Self-assessment and PDP

Question During the period of your studies, reflect on your performance against your plan, including. As you reflect, identify if there are any further development needs and update your plan accordingly. You will be required to submit your updated CPD plan and CPD record at the point of final assessment. Activity 3.5 is completed at the end of the course and a separate deadline is set for this. (Note: If required, CPD plan and record templates are available at
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CHRP-3SCO Supporting Change within Organisations Presentation for the Team Away DayDay

Question Develop a presentation with supporting notes in which you:  Summarise the findings from your report.  Explain the factors (at least four factors) that will be involved in the change process.  Discuss the different behavioural responses people can demonstrate during times of organisational change. (Compare and contrast the different behaviours that you might observe during at least three stages of the change curve).  Explain the role that HR will play in supporting individual...
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