5C001- Organisational Performance and Culture in Practice
Table of Contents
Question 1. 2
1.1 Organisation Structures advantages and disadvantages; reasons underpinning them.. 2
Functional Organisation Structure. 2
Hierarchical Organisation Structure. 3
1.2 Services and Customers Organisational Structure. 5
Organisation Strategy. 5
Products and services. 5
Customers. 6
Question 2. 6
1.3 External Factors and Trends Impacting Organisations. 6
Question 3. ...
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(Solution) Information and Socialisation in Effective Onboarding Program; Benefits
According to Kirchner and Stull (2021) employees onboarding is a strategy adopted for employees successful adjustment/acclimatization to their job functions and work environment. At this point, information pertaining to the organisation operations are put into account in the onboarding process. The information is used by the employees as a guidance to effective implementation of their job functions. On the other hand, socialisation entail the scope of employees adjustment/accl...
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(Solution) CIPD 2.4 Social Media and Advertisements for Recruitment of Employees
2.4 Social Media and Advertisements for Recruitment of Employees
Recruitment Approaches
Social Media- This is a modern recruitment strategy. According to CIPD (2022b) this has a direct influence on the brand image of an organisation. Specifically, considering COVID-19 pandemic, social media has surged creativity scope and innovation embrace in resourcing. The strengths of this entail high-level quality and engaging qualified employees. Further, an entity culture is put i...
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(Solution) 2.3 Appraisal to identify Career Progression, Contingency Planning and Risk Mitigation
Career Progression- As evidenced in CIPD (2016), performance appraisal represent a core guide to achieve particular organisation objectives. This is guided by job satisfaction contributing to an increase in motivation and productivity. For instance, OcMara would be able to capitalise on appraisal strategies for identifying employees performance in different subsidiaries. The strengths of this include effective identification of all potential issues encountered. This is identified in...
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(Solution) 2.2 Promotion/Demotion Rates; Employee Turnover Rates and Critical Incident Analysis Techniques
2.2 Promotion/Demotion Rates; Employee Turnover Rates and Critical Incident Analysis Techniques
Promotion/Demotion Rates- According to Oentaryo et al. (2018) by evaluating the employees lifecycle, the promotion and demotion rates are noted as having an influence on resourcing strategies demand, structure and assigned job roles. The strengths of the strategy entail good match of the allocated job functions and responsibility. Also, limited timeline and costs are used to implement ...
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(Solution) 1.2 Workforce Planning- Forecasting Demand for Labour; Internal and External Sources of Supply
1.2 Workforce Planning- Forecasting Demand for Labour; Internal and External Sources of Supply
According to Kapur (2022), workforce planning is important for aligning organisation demands with appropriate people practice strategies. In modern business environment, this is pursued for ensuring sourcing of market and industrial intelligence for guiding management of issues faced and challenges, being ready to adopt set organisation practice. Further, entire issues are managed with the em...
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(Solution) Assessment ID / CIPD_5CO02_22_01 5CO02 Evidence-based practice
Task One Report
You are required to prepare a report to senior managers at their forthcoming annual meeting. The report needs to:
Evaluate the concept of evidence-based practice including how it can be applied to decision-making in people practice. (AC1.1) Short references should be added into your narrative below. Please remember to only list your long references in the reference box provided at the end of this section. Wordcount: Approximately 450 words.In the CI...
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Assessment ID / CIPD_5CO03_22_01 Professional behaviours and valuing people
Task One Report
Appraise what it means to be a people professional (AC 1.1) Short references should be added into your narrative below. Please remember to only list your long references in the reference box provided at the end of this section. Wordcount: Approximately 200 words.A professional is identified as an individual with appropriate qualification and certifications for working in a particular profession with roles often guided by a professional body. According to Vah...
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Assessment ID / CIPD_5HR02_21_01 Task One- Presentation Pack
Task One- Presentation Pack
This presentation focuses on the key contemporary labour market trends and their significance for workforce planning
Part of this presentation also entail focusing on turnover and retention trends and factors influencing people choosing or remaining
Organisation Strategic Positioning in Competitive Labour Markets
Employer of Choice- As evidenced in CIPD (2022), employer of choice identify the scope of organisation...
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Assessment ID / CIPD_5HR02_21_01 Task Two – Management Briefing Guide
An analysis of the impact of effective workforce planning. (AC 2.1) Short references should be added into your narrative below. Please remember to only list your long references in the Reference box provided at the end of this section.Adopting the definition in Getha-Taylor (2021), workforce planning entail balancing of labour supply and demand. For BMC case, workforce planning is used to manage costs, employees, right contractors for achieving short and long-term goals. Workforce planning enta...
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