Citalopram Antidepressant, Indications, Contraindications and Side Effects

Question: patient has sign and symptoms of depression. your prescribed celexa (citalopram). 1.what dose would you start the patient on? long before patient can see therapeutic effects? 3.what are the possible problems with the medication ? long should you continue the treatment regimen? Solution: A patient who demonstrates symptoms of depression may be treated using Citalopram (Celexa). Citalopram is an antidepressant approved for the treatment of the major depressive disorder (Ro...
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Informatics and the Development of Standards Role of Federal, State and Local Health Agencies in Promoting Informatics in Health Care

Question: discuss the roles of federal, state, and local public health agencies in the development of standards for informatics in healthcare. Solution: Role of Federal, State and Local Health Agencies in Promoting Informatics in Health Care Federal, State and local health agencies are participating in building regional and state-wide information exchanges in their jurisdictions, defining policies for electronic communication of information within and across jurisdictions, working with Elec...
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Community Health Nursing Helping the Community Recover from Disaster

Question: Recover The effects of a catastrophic event on the community are long lasting. The public health nurse has a broad scope of practice and plays an active role in assisting communities recover from catastrophic events. Public health nurses need to understand and implement evidence-based practices that will benefit decision making. Recovery is the task of rebuilding after a disaster. This process can take months, even years and require rebuilding of services and infrastructure, facilitie...
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Question: discuss an ethical issue that you encountered in your practice area and explain how you addressed this issue. please do not provide the name of the agency or any other identifying information. you are facebook friends with one of the nurses that work on your unit and you notice that she discusses patients’ situations on facebook, although she does not use their names. as a nursing leader on this unit discuss ways that you would address this issue. Solution: Addressing The Issue of D...
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Clinical Pharmacology Smoking, Stress and contraceptives

Question: -what medical consultant options are appropriate for a patient dealing with alot of stress? -what contraceptive options are contraindicated for patients who smoke? -what type of patient education is indicated for female patient who is on contraceptives and smokes due to stress? -if patient is unable to to quit smoking, what contraceptives are still allowed to be prescribed? Solution: Smoking, oral contraceptives, and reactivity to stress Stress is the body’s natural response to nee...
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Workarounds and Their Implications for Patient Safety

Question: was the implementation of connecting the system to the fans approve by management as the new workflow or did this staff member do this to make the job more convenient for them? Solution: Interventions in Workarounds Nursing workarounds have gained much relevance in the recent past, matching with an increased focus on patient safety and the implementation of health information technologies (Collins et al., 2012). However, workarounds can put patients at risk when the health players ...
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Nursing Leadership Course Burns Assessments and Treatments

Question: patient c scenario #3 – 10 year old and 1 year old burn victims a ten year old (40kg) victim of a house fire arrives to the er and has suffered 2nd & 3rd degree burns. the entire head, both thighs, and half of one lower leg is burned. based on the provided information, what is this patient's percentage of burns using the lund and browder chart? a 1 year (12.5kg) suffered burns from being scalded when he pulled a pot with hot water off the stove top. half of his head and half of both l...
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The Essentials of Master’s Education in Nursing Inter-Professional Collaboration for Improving Patient and Population

Question: select one essential from the master’s essentials document from the following website essentials.pdf • write a synopsis of the essential. • why do you think that it is an essential criterion to define master’s level education? • formulate a goal you hope to achieve related to this essential. • outline the interventions (at least three) you will incorporate into your professional life to achieve this goal Solution: E...
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Transition Care Program for CHF patients mary naylor’s transitional care model

Question: 4. project description/ methods- detailed discussion of the plan for conducting the project. must be in apa format and include reference listing. • project plan (a step by step plan of what the project will entail. write in a way that the project could be replicated.) o inputs: the resources that go into a program (including community partners, budget, personnel, other resources….) o outputs: the activities the program undertakes o timeline • project analysis/ evaluation plan o measur...
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NSG 501 Critquing Nursing Theories Theory Development in Nursing

Question: please feel free to correct. the sequence is very important. the description is base on china and kramer, knowledge in nursing development. paragraph with advance nursing practice need much work. Solution: Introduction The purpose of the paper is to critique the deliberative nursing process theory by Orlando and the adaptation theory by Roy; following the Chinn and Kramer guidelines. The evaluation is aimed at gaining a clearer view of how well the theories work together long-...
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