Solution Practicum in Health Policy Shaping Policy Framework in Nursing Practice

Question: identify an experience you had as a professional nurse where shaping policy was achieved through a spheres of influence as outlined in figure 1-5. describe the identified problem, policy development, political competencies applied as it impacted health and social policy. Solution: The four spheres of political action are very crucial in understanding policy framework in nursing practice. They include the workplace, government, association and interest groups and the interactions bet...
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Solution Module 10: Legal & Ethical Issues: role of documentation in informed consent discussions

Question: After reviewing the module readings, please answer the following questions: 1. What is vicariously liability? How would you approach a discussion with a potential consulting/collaborating physician about vicarious liability? 2. Review these Midwifery Strategies for Liability Risk Reduction (­for­Liability­Risk­Reduction) . Many of these strategies involve informed consent. Next, review Table 14­4 from your readings in the Ament text (repro...
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Nursing Theory Application To Nursing Practice The Analysis of Benner’s Theory; Novice to Expert

Question: i will upload three sources please use them. in this essay you need to analyze benner's novice to expert theory. read all professor instructions carefully and write according to the instructions. professor instructions: analyze benner's novice to expert theory. your analysis should include the following: description of the theory's background and influencing factors, including worldview explanation of the underlying assumptions evaluation of major strengths and weaknesses application ...
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Nursing Leadership Course Your Leadership Review

Question: a review synopsis: of this book gail evans, the author of play like a man, win like a woman. provide a review synopsis: a brief description of the text’s key points, what you’ve found most helpful and meaningful from the text, and whether or not you would recommend the book to others Solution: Throughout her career in the super-competitive, male-dominated media industry, Gail Evans, one of the country’s most powerful executives, has met innumerable women who tell her that they feel ...
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wk 5 db Theory Development in Nursing inherent weaknesses in change theory

Question: professional socialization relates to the manner in which we learn the roles and functions of being a nurse once we enter the healthcare system. what are some of the ways this socialization occurs in your place of employment, and do you believe it leads to effective assumption of the nursing role? this socialization occurs in a patriarchal healthcare system that still remains predominantly male physician-based. discuss the impact, you believe, this has on socialization to the nursing ...
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wk 4 db Theory Development in Nursing middle-range theory or grand theory

Question: choose a middle-range theory or grand theory that, in your opinion, can be applied to research. what are the assumptions underpinning this theory? discuss how this theory finds application in research. Solution: Transcultural Nursing Theory and its Application to Nursing The middle-range theories are very crucial in nursing practice and research as they lead to a well-defined direction for general practice and intellectual research that is associated with the nursing profession (Sm...
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Pathophysiology Top Priority Diagnosis Based On A Patient Complains and History

Question: older adult: cad, htn, hld mr. sullivan, a 79 y/o current 1 pk/day smoker for over 50 yrs, has the diagnoses of hypertension (htn), hyperlipidemia (hld) & a relative new diagnosis of coronary artery disease (cad) having had a non st elevation myocardial infarction (nstemi) 4 weeks ago. he presents to the health clinic today for a routine follow-up following his mi. he tells the health care provider that he is short of breath (sob) lately, has been sleeping in the recliner for the past...
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Nursing Theory and Ethics for Advance Nursing Practice: purpose of nursing theory and ethics for advance nursing practice

Question: describe the purpose of nursing theory and ethics for advance nursing practice. this discussion should be 2 pages and use reference citations to support discussion. include the reference citation within the paper. there should be a reference page also. Solution: Nurses encounter ethical dilemmas in their practice and require guidance in making relevant patient care decisions. Nursing theory is believed to be the best source of such support and guidance (Grace, & DRN, 2017). The pur...
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NR 506 Week 4 Assignment: Preparation of Presentation to Elected Official Guidelines

Question: PURPOSE The purpose of this assignment is to prepare for the professional presentation to an elected official of the selected healthcare concern and the proposed solution. This includes the identification of communication strategies as well as development of presentation content. DUE DATE Sunday 11:59 p.m. MT at the end of Week 4 TOTAL POINTS: 200 points REQUIREMENTS Description of the Assignment For this assignment, the focus is preparation for the presentation to the sele...
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Humidification and alarm systems indications, contraindications, hazards/complications and limitations for the use of an HME during invasive mechanical ventilation

Question: for this assignment, you will provide detailed responses to the following: using the aarc clinical practice guidelines, list the indications, contraindications, hazards/complications and limitations for the use of an hme during invasive mechanical ventilation. be sure to cite your source. what criteria must be met when using any heated humidification device with patients receiving mechanical ventilation? why? when is the use of heated humidifiers preferred over the use of heat and moi...
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