Selected Title: Business Research in People Practice Impact of Training and Development on the Improvement of Employee Performance in the IT sector of Saudi ArabiaAccording to Ruggiano and Perry (2019), the primary data is obtained by the researcher through the use of surveys, interviews, experiments which are established for understanding and solving identified issues. This is different from secondary research which entail use of already available data obtained from government inst...
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(Solution) 7CO04 Task 1.3: Devise one or more research questions to examine during the research and in the final report
Selected Title: Business Research in People Practice Impact of Training and Development on the Improvement of Employee Performance in the IT sector of Saudi Arabia
In this project, the different research questions which would be put into account. The research questions would be used in informing the findings of the research. These include;
RQ1: What are the ways does training and development assist in offering opportunities for employees career growth opportunities?
RQ2: H...
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(Solution) 7CO04 Task 1.2: Develop a literature review which focuses on the key people practice issues
Selected Title: Business Research in People Practice Impact of Training and Development on the Improvement of Employee Performance in the IT sector of Saudi Arabia
Over the years, different studies have been pursued for evaluating the impact of training and development on the improvement of employee performance. In an earlier study by Rodriguez and Walters (2017), it identified the employees training and development as opportunities offered to employees for improving their skills...
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(Solution) 7CO04 Task 1.1: Explain how and why you chose the terms of reference for your project
Business Research in People Practice Impact of Training and Development on the Improvement of Employee Performance in the IT sector of Saudi Arabia
The prime purpose of this project is to evaluate the impact of training and development on the improvement of employee performance Through a focus on IT sector in Saudi Arabia (KSA), the link of capacity development of employees with an improved performance would be evaluated. This is supported by Ukandu and Ukpere (2013) report findi...
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(Solution) CIPD 5HR03 Reward for Performance and Contribution
Table of Contents
1.1a Impact of rewards; short/long-term and effectiveness. 2
1.1b Fairness of Reward Systems; Comparison. 3
1.1c Reward Strategies Link to Vision and Business Objectives. 6
1.1d Importance of Rewards Strategies. 7
1.2e Strategic and Total Rewards; Developing a Reward Strategy. 9
1.2f Balancing rewards between internal equality and external competitiveness. 11
1.3g Organisational Objectives; updates in the period; external environment impact on ...
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(Solution) 3C001 how change can impact people in different ways. (AC3.3)
In contemporary business environment, various people/stakeholders are impacted by distinct ways as there is a need for altering the business objectives. For instance, considering MNGH-A, change has contributed to owners earning dividends in short-term basis and managers required to acquire knowledge and employees in different groups. Additionally, as part of the same change, there is a possibility that the employees would be eliminated by their jobs becoming redundancy. For instance...
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(Solution) 3C001 importance and role that people professionals play within change. (AC3.2)
As evidenced in CIPD (2022), the change is categorised as a core knowledge and entail an understanding of the scope of effectiveness for people professionals enabling change. The importance of people professionals involvement in change include;
Employee voice and clear communications- As evidenced in CIPD (2021a) by actively engaging the people professionals in a change process, their interests are appropriately understood. This is with the importance of change being commun...
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(Solution) 3C001 importance of planning and managing change within the workplace. (AC3.1)
As evidenced in CIPD (2022), as a consequence of prevalence of COVID-19 pandemic, this has occasioned rapid changes and disruption in organisations. This has prompted the need for organisations consistent management of change, expansion and contraction of their practices and to rethinking platforms, products and services. The importance of planning and managing change within workplace include;
Ensuring all stakeholders inclusion in change- In majority of organisations, CIPD (202...
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(Solution) 3C001 organisations are whole systems, and how work and actions as a people professional could impact elsewhere in the organisation. (AC2.2)
As evidenced in CIPD (2020), the organisation design theory identify organisations as a system, holistically linked initiatives eliciting specific outcomes. This is supported by Holonic Enterprise Model which evidence flexible view of members being autonomous albeit co-ordinated and collaborative operations in time-bound objectives/projects (see figure 4).
Figure 4: Organisation System described by Holonic Enterprise Model &...
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(Solution) 3C001 workplace culture in organisational settings and the importance of fostering positive approaches (AC2.1)
As evidenced in Szydło and Grześ-Bukłaho (2020) organisation culture identify appropriate way of behaving within an organisation business environment. It is inclusive of shared beliefs and values set by a leader and later communicated and reinforces in different methods eventually managing perceptions of employees, behaviour and appreciation. Further, in the CIPD HR Professional Map, workplace culture is categorised as a core knowledge and identified in CIPD (2022b) as appreciating ...
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